No |
RA |
Date | Exp |
Emulsion | color |
object | avail |
logbook | page |
images |
251 | 697 | GUA010B000450 | 19 1 50 | + 13 33 29 | 600415 | 10 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/72 | ZN-TKA-008- |
027 |
252 | 698 | GUA010B000452 | 19 4 48 | + 15 3 39 | 600417 | 12 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/72 | ZN-TKA-008- |
029 |
253 | 699 | GUA010B000454 | 19 5 48 | + 15 3 42 | 600417 | 12 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/72 | ZN-TKA-008- |
031 |
254 | 700 | GUA010B000456 | 17 37 25 | - 23 1 21 | 600418 | 10 | AgfaPanchro filter Orange | Pv |
JUPITER | 116/19 | ZN-TKA-008- |
033 |
255 | 701 | GUA010B000458 | 19 1 48 | + 15 3 29 | 600418 | 12 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/72 | ZN-TKA-008- |
036 |
256 | 702 | GUA010B000460 | 19 4 48 | + 15 3 39 | 600419 | 12 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/73 | ZN-TKA-008- |
038 |
257 | 703 | GUA010B000461 | 11 14 17 | + 53 47 1 | 600421 | 15 | AgfaPanchro filter Orange | Pv |
URSA MAJOR | 118/37 | ZN-TKA-008- |
039 |
258 | 704 | GUA010B000464 | 19 1 50 | + 13 33 29 | 600421 | 15 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/73 | ZN-TKA-008- |
042 |
259 | 705 | GUA010B000466 | 18 58 50 | + 13 33 19 | 600421 | 15 | AgfaIsopISS filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/73 | ZN-TKA-008- |
044 |
260 | 706 | GUA010B000468 | 18 59 50 | + 13 33 22 | 600422 | 15 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/73 | ZN-TKA-008- |
046 |
261 | 707 | GUA010B000470 | 18 59 50 | + 13 33 22 | 600423 | 20 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/73 | ZN-TKA-008- |
048 |
262 | 708 | GUA010B000471 | 11 14 17 | + 53 47 1 | 600422 | 15 | AgfaPanchro filter Orange | Pv |
URSA MAJOR | 118/37 | ZN-TKA-008- |
050 |
263 | 709 | GUA010B000475 | 20 4 0 | + 68 0 0 | 600427 | 60 | AgfaPanchro filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
Field | - | ZN-TKA-008- |
056 |
264 | 710 | GUA010B000482 | 12 32 2 | + 3 46 52 | 600428 | 30 | Kodak, OaF | Pg |
LEO | 118/51 | ZN-TKA-008- |
063 |
265 | 711 | GUA010B000483 | 11 14 17 | + 53 47 2 | 600428 | 30 | Kodak, OaF | Pg |
URSA MAJOR | 118/50 | ZN-TKA-008- |
064 |
266 | 712 | GUA010B000484 | 12 32 2 | + 3 46 52 | 600430 | 30 | Kodak, OaF | Pg |
Supernova | 118/51 | ZN-TKA-008- |
065 |
267 | 713 | GUA010B000485 | 12 32 2 | + 3 46 52 | 600501 | 30 | Kodak, OaF | Pg |
Supernova | 118/52 | ZN-TKA-008- |
066 |
268 | 714 | GUA010B000534 | 18 51 57 | + 5 2 54 | 600730 | 30 | AgfaPanchro filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
AQUILA | - | ZN-TKA-009 |
028 |
 | |
269 | 715 | GUA010B000535 | 0 10 0 | + 89 12 34 | 600730 | 30 | AgfaPanchro filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
029 |
 | |
270 | 716 | GUA010B000552 | 19 0 0 | + 45 0 0 | 600816 | 1 | AgfaPanchro filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
Artific. satell. EHO | 118/56 | ZN-TKA-009 |
047 |
271 | 717 | GUA010B000554 | 19 0 0 | + 45 0 0 | 600816 | 1.1 | AgfaPanchro filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
Artific. satell. EHO | 118/56 | ZN-TKA-009 |
049 |
272 | 718 | GUA010B000559 | 18 55 50 | + 12 33 7 | 600817 | 25 | AgfaPanchro filter Orange | Pv |
V446 Her | 120/75 | ZN-TKA-009 |
054 |
273 | 721 | GUA010B000634 | 12 28 59 | + 4 17 8 | 610310 | 60 | AgfaPanchro filter Red | Pr |
NGC4496 | 118/59 | ZN-TKA-010 |
069 |
274 | 722 | GUA010B000635 | 12 31 59 | + 3 47 9 | 610310 | 30 | AgfaPanchro filter Red | Pr |
NGC4496 | 118/59 | ZN-TKA-010 |
070 |
275 | 723 | GUA010B000637 | 12 29 59 | + 4 17 8 | 610310 | 30 | AgfaPanchro filter Red | Pr |
NGC4496 | 118/59 | ZN-TKA-010 |
072 |
276 | 724 | GUA010B000639 | 12 21 59 | + 5 17 6 | 610313 | 34 | AgfaPanchro filter Red | Pr |
Supernova | 118/59 | ZN-TKA-010 |
074 |
277 | 39364 | GUA010B000476 | 12 22 2 | + 3 46 46 | 600428 | 30 | Kodak, OaF filter ZheS-12 | Pv |
Field | 118/60 | | |  |
278 | 39365 | GUA010B000409A | 0 10 0 | + 89 13 23 | 591128 | 10 | AgfaIsopISS filter Orange | Pv |
Alpha UMi, Polaris | 118/48 | | |  |
279 | 39366 | GUA010B000548 | 12 25 0 | + 55 0 0 | 600815 | 0.6 | AgfaPanchro filter Yellow | Pv |
Artific. satell. EHO | 118/56 | | |  |
GUA010B000450 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000452 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000454 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000456 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000458 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000460 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000461 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000464 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000466 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000468 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000470 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000471 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000475 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000482 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000483 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000484 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000485 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000552 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000554 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000559 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000634 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000635 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000637 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000639 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000476 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000409A Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
GUA010B000548 Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced | <Click to close> |
| L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome. |
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