1 Achl Achl
2 Agfa Astro Agfa Astro-plates (Unsens, Lighthoffrei) Fabricacion Alemana. Germany AAU,AU,Unsensib A.,aa
3 Agfa Chromo Agfa Astro Agfa Chromo
4 Agfa Isolar Agfa Astro Agfa Isolar
5 AgfaBlUltra Spectral Blau Ultrahart Fabricacion Alemana. Germany
6 AgfaChrIsoR Agfa Astro AgfaChrIsoR
7 AgfaCIsolar Agfa Astro AgfaCIsolar
8 AgfaDiaposi Agfa Diapositiv plates Fabricacion Alemana. Germany DIA
9 AgfaExtrRap Agfa Astro AgfaExtrRap, AgfaExtr, Agfa ER
10 AgfaFinopan
11 AgfaIsopISS Agfa Isopan Plates (ISS), superpanchromatic Fabricacion Alemana. Germany AISS,ISS,Isopan ISS
12 AgfaIsopSS
13 AgfaIsoRap Agfa Astro Agfa IsoRap, Agfa Isorapid
14 AgfaPanchro Agfa Astro Panchrîm sensibiliti Fabricacion Alemana. Germany AAP, AAPS,Panchrom A.
15 AgfaPressPa Agfa Press plates, panchromatic Fabricacion Alemana. Germany AAPR
16 AgfaSpBlauR Agfa Spectral Plates, Blau rapid Fabrication Alemana. Germany BLAU-RAPID
17 AgfaSpectra Agfa Spectral Plates Fabrication Alemana. Germany Spectral A., AGFASpectr
18 AgfaSpezial Agfa Astro Spezial Fabricacion Alemana. Germany AGSP, AS
19 AgfaSpGelbR Agfa Spectral Plates, Gelb rapid Fabrication Alemana. Germany AGR,Spectr.G.R.
20 AgfaSpRotRa Agfa Spectral Plates, Rot rapid Fabricacion Alemana. Germany ASP
21 AgfaUltraRa
22 AP Astro Platen
23 Astra-Flate
24 BalStExt BalStExt
25 BalticStar Baltic S, Baltic Star, BalticSt
26 BalticStarER BalticStarER
27 Cramer Cram, Cr
28 CramerId CramerId
29 CramerIso Cramer I, Cramer-I, Cramer Iso
30 CrIsoch Cr-Isoch
31 CrIssoc Cr.Issoc
32 Dp Diapozitiv
33 EaSeedSe EaSeedSe
34 Eastman E, East, East ord
35 Eastman1gEm
36 Eastman4 Eastm. 4
37 Eastman40 Eastman 40
38 EastmanER E ER, Eastm ER, East ER
39 EastmanSp East Sp
40 EastmanSp E Sp, East Sp., E Spe
41 EastmanSp19
42 EastmanSpUR EastmanSpUR
43 EastmSp1gEm
44 ELantern E Lantern
45 EsatSpee EsatSpee
46 ESpeed E Speed
47 ESpeedW E SpW, E Speedw, E Sp.W, E SpWay'
48 ESupSe E SS, E SupSe, E Sup Se, E Sup.Se, E SupS, E Sup
50 Fulgur Fulgur,Ful
51 GIZ Golden Iso Zen
52 GMBazh G.M.Bazh
53 GuillFulgur guill Fulgur, Guill Fu
54 HauffER Hauff ER
55 HauffIR Hauff,IR
56 HauffOrtho Hauff Ortho, HauffOrt, HauffOr
57 HauffUR Hauff UR, HUR, H.U.R.
58 Ichl Ichl
59 IF Izofoto GOST 22
60 IlfoMonarch Ilford 'MONARCH' Plate (3.5ASA) Ilford Limited,London Mon
61 IlfoProcess Ilford Process Ilford Limited, London ILPS,ip
62 IlforAstra8 Ilford Astra VIII Plates Ilford Limited, London AS8
63 Ilford Ilford
64 Ilford HP3 Ilford HP3 Ilford Limited, London ILHP,Ilford HP.3
65 Ilford N.30 Ilford N.30 Ordinari Backed Ilford Limited, London ILF,in30,io,ILFORD,ILFORD N30,ILFORD ORD
66 Ilford N.50 Ilford N.50 thin film half tone plates backed Ilford Limited, London N.50 Plate
67 IlfordChromo Ilford Chromo, Ilford Chrom
68 IlforHPSPan Ilford H.P.S., panchromatic hypersensitive Ilford Limited, London Ilford HPS
69 IlforIsopan Ilford Isopanchrom Ilford Limited, London IZP,Isopanch.I.,ii
70 IlforZenith Ilford Zenith Plates, super sensitiv backed Ilford Limited, London ILZ,iz,Ilford ZEN
71 IlfoSpecRap Ilford Spectral Rapid Ilford Limited, London ILSR
72 IlfoZenPanc Ilford Zenith Panchrom Ilford Limited, London ILP,izp
73 IlfPanchrom Ilf Panchrom, Ilf Panchr
74 IlfRapIsochr Ilf Rap Isochr
75 IlfSpecLant Ilf Spec Lant
76 IlfSpLomtern Ilf Sp.Lomtern
77 Ilukopn 600 Ilford
78 Imperial Imperial, Imp
79 Imperial1200 Imp1200, Imp 1200
80 Imperial1200Ortho Imp 1200 Ortho,Imp1200 Ortho,Imp1200o
81 ImperialLant Imp Lant
82 ImperialOrtho Imp Ortho, Imp Orth
83 IZO500 Izoorto 500
84 Kodak Kodak
85 Kodak 103 a F Kodak 103 a F
86 Kodak, OaD Kodak Plates, OaD Kodak Limited, London KOD OaD
87 Kodak, OaE Kodak Plates, OaE Kodak Limited, London KOD OaE
88 Kodak, OaF Kodak Plates, OaF Kodak Limited, London KOD OaF,OaF,Kodak, OaF
89 Kodak, OaO Kodak Plates, OaO Kodak Limited, London KOD OaO,OaO,kodak
90 KodakU,IIaO Kodak U.S.A. Spectroscopic plates Eastman Kodak, New York
91 KodakU103aD Kodak U.S.A. Plates, 103a-D Eastman Kodak, New York KOD,KODAK103aD
92 KodakU103aE Kodak U.S.A. Plates, 103a-E Eastman Kodak, New York KODAK103a-E
93 KodakU103aO Kodak U.S.A. Plates, 103aO Eastman Kodak, New York KODAK103aO,kodak3
94 KodakUIIIaF Kodak U.S.A. Plates, IIIaF Eastman Kodak, New York Kodak IIIaF
95 KodakUSpect Kodak U.S.A. Plates, Eastman Spectrum Eastman Kodak, New York ES
96 KodakWraPan KodakWraPan
97 Kranseder Kranseder
98 Lantern Lantern
99 Lem Lem
100 Lumiere Lumiere
101 LumierViol LumierViol
102 Matter Matter
103 Nikfi Nikfi
104 Orwo
105 ORWO NP2 ORWO NP2 Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR NP2
106 ORWO NP22 ORWO NP22 Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR NP22,ORW NP22
107 ORWO NP27 ORWO NP27 Panchromatic Lichthofrei, anti-halo Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR NP27
108 ORWO WO1 ORWO WO1, Gelb Rapid orthochrome Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ORWO WO1
109 ORWO ZP1 ORWO ZP1 Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ZP1
110 ORWO ZP3 ORWO ZP3 Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ZP3,ORWO ZP-3
111 ORWO ZU1 ORWO ZU1 Astro Plates, Unsensibiliti Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ZU1,ORW ZU1,ORWO01,ZU-1
112 ORWO ZU2 ORWO ZU2 Astro Plates, Unsensibiliti Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ZU2,ORW ZU2,ORWO02
113 ORWO ZU21 ORWO ZU21 Astro Plates, Unsens.Spezial Filter208 Veb filmfabrik Wolfen. DDR ZU21,ORWO ZU-21,ORWO21
114 Paget Paget
115 PagetHurr Pag Hurr,Paget Hu
116 PagetTe Paget Te
117 PagetUn Paget Un
118 Pereslavl Pereslavl
119 PerutePersanse Perute Persanse
120 PerutzER Perutz E, Perutz ER
121 Rep Reproduction
122 Schl ddg Schleussner Schl d.d.g.
123 Schleussner Schleussner Schl, Schl ord
124 SchlOrthoCr Schleussner Schl Ortho, Schl OrthoCr
125 SchlPynac Schleussner Schl Pynac, Schl Pyna
126 SchlPynoc Schleussner Schl Pynoc, Schl Pyno
127 SchlSpec Schleussner Schl Spec
128 Seed Seed, Seed ord
129 Seed27 Seed 27
130 Seed30 Seed 30
131 Seed30r Seed 30 r
132 Seed30T Seed30 T
133 Seed30U Seed30 U
134 Seed60 Seed 60
135 Seed60T Seed60 T
136 SeedPynac Seed Pynac, Seed Pyn
137 SeedTes Seed Tes
138 SeedUna Seed Una
139 Speed Speed
140 Speedway Speedway, Speed Wa
141 SuperFulgur Super Fulgur, Super Fu, Superful, S Ful, Superfulgur
142 SupUltra SupUltra
143 U2 Panchrom USSR N2, Panhrom Fabrication N2, USSR PA2,PAH
144 U2 Unsens USSR N2, Unsens Fabricasion N2, USSR UN2
145 U2Ortochrom USSR N2, Ortochrom Fabrication N2, USSR OR2,N.Ortochrom
146 U5FilmIzoPa USSR, fN5,Film Izo Panchrom USSR FiP
147 U5FilmPanch USSR fN5, Film Panchromatic Fabricasion N5, USSR FP
148 UFilmIzop17 USSR Film Isopanchrom Type 17 USSR, Shostka UFilmIzop17
149 UFilmIzop29 USSR Film Isopanchrom Type 29 USSR, Shostka UFilmIzop29
150 UN A-600H Films with increased sensitivity at long exposures USSR Nikfi A-600H
151 UN Panchrom USSR Nikfi, Panchrom Nikfi, Moscow NIP,Panchrom N.,NP
152 UN Unsens USSR Nikfi, Unsens Nikfi, Moscow UNN,Unsens N.
153 UNInfrachro USSR Nikfi, Infrachrom Nikfi, Moscow NIIF
154 UZTFDiaposi USSR ZTF Moscow, for science, diapositiv ZTF, Moscow G45
155 UZTFUnsensC USSR ZTF Moscow, Unsens contrasting ZTF, Moscow UNC
156 Wellington Wellington, Well
157 Westendo Westendo
158 WrWaPanchr Wr&WaPanchr
159 WUR W.U.R.
160 WW W. and W
161 WWUR W & WUR
162 ZEN Zenith

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.