Note: digital archive GUA040C is unavailable

Plate: unique ID: 13444 WFPDB-type ID: GUA040C000475 original log-number: 000475 archive ID:GUA040C
RA:10h42m37s DEC:-16d25m9s date:770328UT:204903
number of exp.:3 Longest exposition:4 minExpositions:4; 4; 4 min
object(704) Interamniaobject type:asteroidmethod:direct photograph, multiexposure
emulsion:ORWO ZU2 filter:None spectrum:Pg
dimensions: 30X 30 cm observers:E.M.Sereda
telescope:Double Wide Angle Astrograph (MAO) type of frame:negative carrier:glass
availability:Available at the Main Astron.Obs., Kyiv, Ukraine;shelf6box22
notes:Orig.No.DWA-0475; Hour angle +0:35; Tube position "E"; Position of the first exposure "N"; T=+11 deg C; Next Tstart=205831, 210829; duration 4.0, 4.0
quality: The plate is dark    Observational logbook Star Map - USNO2B     - FONAK
Scans are available on e-mail demand:grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi  [ 25x[25cm ]
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi
grey 16 bit 1600 dpi

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.