Note: digital archive GUA040C is unavailable

Plate: unique ID: 14584 WFPDB-type ID: GUA040C001289 original log-number: 001289 archive ID:GUA040C
RA:19h27m43s DEC:+32d6m10s date:880806UT:203038
number of exp.:2 Longest exposition:0.5 min
objectNorthern sky surveyobject type:unknown star fieldmethod:out of focus
emulsion:ORWO ZU21 filter:None spectrum:Pg
dimensions: 24X 24 cm observers:G.A.Ivanov
telescope:Double Wide Angle Astrograph (MAO) type of frame:negative carrier:glass
availability:Available at the Main Astron.Obs., Kyiv, Ukraine;shelf314box10
notes:Orig.No.FON-1289; Hour angle +0:08; Tube position "E"; T=+15 deg C; Pressure 750; Next Tstart=203138, 205104, hour angle +0:09, 0:33; duration 1.5, 11.0; two exposures, one on another
quality: High background intensity; Clouds; The 2nd exp. was interrupted. One image for 2nd and 3rd exposures    Observational logbook Star Map - USNO2B     - FONAK
Scans are available on e-mail demand:grey 16 bit 1200 dpi TIFF,FITS 400Mb   [ dvd fon 149 ]
grey 16 bit 1200 dpi (90 CW rotated) TIFF,FITS 400Mb   [ dvd fon 150 ]

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.