Plate: | unique ID: | 16685 | WFPDB-type ID: | GUA040A000028B | original log-number: | 000028B | archive ID: | GUA040A |
RA: | 17 | h | 10 | m | 26 | s |
DEC: | - | 15 | d | 43 | m | 38 | s |
date: | 500702 | UT: | 225822 |
Uncertainty in date or UT
number of exp.: | 4 |
Longest exposition: | 7 min | Expositions: | 7; 7; 7; 7 min |
object | Eta Oph | object type: | star | method: | no guiding |
emulsion: | Data absent |
filter: | None |
spectrum: | Pg |
dimensions: | 18 | X | 24 | cm |
observers: | I.G.Kolchinsky |
availability: | The plate is not available | shelf | 0 | box | 0 |
notes: | Orig.No.DLA-0028A; Hour angle 2:32; T=+20 deg C; The tube is motionless; Following exposures: Start time 230651,231520,232318; Hour angle 2:40,2:49,2:57; Duration 7.00*3 |
quality: |
| Observational logbook |  | |
Star Map |