Plate: | unique ID: | 716 | WFPDB-type ID: | GUA010B000552 | original log-number: | 000552 | archive ID: | GUA010B |
RA: | 19 | h | 0 | m | 0 | s |
DEC: | + | 45 | d | 0 | m | 0 | s |
date: | 600816 | UT: | 194713 |
Missed data in coordinates |
Uncertainty in date or UT
number of exp.: | 3 |
Longest exposition: | 1 min |
object | Artific. satell. EHO | object type: | artificial satellite | method: | direct photograph, multiexposure |
emulsion: | AgfaPanchro |
filter: | ZheS-12 |
spectrum: | Pv |
dimensions: | 12 | X | 18 | cm |
observers: | A.A.Rubashevsky |
availability: | Available at the Main Astron.Obs., Kyiv, Ukraine; | shelf | 118 | box | 56 |
notes: | Orig.No.552 V; Next Tstart is not available, duration 1 min; Nexp=3; UT=Tstart first exp. |
quality: |
| Observational logbook |  | |
Star Map |
Scans are available on e-mail demand: | grey 8 bit 1200 dpi reduced