G. A. Ivanov    <> Catalogue of stars with high-proper motions. Version 2.

Description: Catalogue of stars with high-proper motions (more than 0.04 arcsec/year) has been compiled using original definitions from catalogue FONAC1.1, the data of catalogues Hipparcos, Tycho-2, UCAC2(up to +40 degrees in declination and going up to +52 degrees in some areas), CMC (STAR 11), PPM, NPM1, NPM2, XZ80Q, Pul-3, Pul2, NLTT, LHS, GCVS, Lowell Proper Motion, Bruce Proper Motion as well as the data of about 770 other published sources. The list consist of 555200 such stars with limiting magnitude 16 (companions for multiple systems up to 17) in a declination zone from -2.5 to +90 degrees. Besides astrometric parameters (equatorial coordinates, proper motions, estimations of stars magnitudes) catalogue includes some astrophysical characteristics (magnitudes in UBVRIJHK system, radial velocities, spectra, luminosity class, metallisity [Fe/H] or [M/H]; flags of multiple system, of variable star and other). For convenience of usage original numbers of stars from different cataloques the author's lists of stars and basic sources are given too. Very offen the same star being met in different catalogues has a various identification. Cross-identifications of such stars were carried out [1]. At present catalogue includes codes of 63 cataloques and author's lists of stars. Catalogue is given by a file stars arranged on right ascension. Information of each star is recorded in a digital integer form with one line including 308 symbols. Because of the presense of additional information (some values of star magnitude definition, radial velocities of stars etc.) there wos an increase in the number of lines for each star. Therefore the total number of lines consist of 618250. The values of rigth ascention, declinition, magnitude, radial velocities and other parameters are written out with accuracy of their definition in sources. If the values of parameters for a concrete star taken from various sources were difer within the limits of 0.01-0.02 - in star madnitudes, 1km/sec - in radial velocities, 0.1 - in metallisity, their averaging were carried out. For multiple systems the values of angles and and distances from central star up to companions were updater on receiving the new information. Beginning the second line there are blanks in the columns of declination (B1950.0, J2000.0), proper motion, epoch if star information is recorded in several lines. These values were written out if additional accurate or strongly different ones from the other coordinates and proper motions in corresponding columns for J2000.0 were available. The number of the source, coordinates and proper motions originated from, has been written mainly in the last column assigned for the number (pos. 35-38). Values of right ascention (B1950.0) for the multiline star are identical. Catalogue is regularly sumpplemented. Data Data byte to byte description _____________________________________________________________________________ Byte-by-byte Description of file: h-pms2.dat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bytes Format Units Notes Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 a1 - 1 1,2,...,9 - flag of multiple line for star 2 a1 - 2* 3 - flag 3-38 i4 - 3*-11* identificator of source 39-41 a3 hour 12 hours RA, equinox, 1950.0 42-43 a2 min 13 minutes RA, equinox, 1950.0 44-45 a2 sec 14 seconds RA, equinox, 1950.0 46-48 a3 deg 15 degrees Dec, equinox, 1950.0 49-50 a2 arcmin 16 minutes Dec, equinox, 1950.0 51-52 a2 arcsec 17 seconds Dec, equinox, 1950.0 53 a1 - 18* position accuracy flag 54-55 a2 hour 19 hours RA, equinox, epoch 2000.0 56-57 a2 min 20 minutes RA, equinox, epoch 2000.0 58-62 a5 .001 sec 21 seconds RA, equinox, epoch 2000.0, written as an integer number 63 a1 - 22* flag 64 a1 - 23* flag 65-70 a6 .0001 24 annual proper motion in RA, multiplied by arcsec cos (delta), written as an integer number 71 a1 - 25* position accuracy flag 72-73 a2 deg 26 degrees Dec, equinox, epoch 2000.0 74-75 a2 arcmin 27 minutes Dec, equinox, epoch 2000.0 76-79 a4 .01 arcsec 28 seconds Dec, equinox, epoch 2000.0, written as an integer number 80-85 a6 .0001 29 annual proper motion in Dec, arcsec writtem as an integer number 86-92 a6 .01 year 30 epoch, written as an integer number 93-94 a2 - 31* photometric system for magnitude B 95 a1 - 32* photometric system for magnitude V 96 a1 - 33* photometric system for magnitude U 97 a1 - 34* photometric system for magnitude R 98 a1 - 35* photometric system for magnitude I 99 a1 - 36* flag on magnitude 100-104 a5 .001 mag 37 B or (B-V) magnitude, written as an integer number 105 a1 - 38* flag on magnitude 106-110 a5 .001 mag 39 V magnitude, written as an integer number 111 a1 - 40* flag on magnitude 112-116 a5 .001 mag 41 U or (U-B) magnitude, written as an integer number 117 a1 - 42* flag on magnitude 118-122 a5 .001 mag 43 R or (V-R) magnitude, written as an integer number 123 a1 - 44* flag on magnitude 124-128 a5 .001 mag 45 I or (R-I), (V-I) magnitude, written as an integer number 129 a1 - 46* flag on magnitude 130-134 a5 .001 mag 47 J magnitude, written as an integer number 135 a1 - 48* flag on magnitude 136-140 a5 .001 mag 49 H magnitude, written as an integer number 141 a1 - 50* flag on magnitude 142-146 a5 .001 mag 51 K or (V-K) magnitude, written as an integer number 147 a1 - 52* flag on metallisity 148-151 a4 .01 53 metallisity, written as an integer number 152 a1 - 54* flag on radial velocity 153-158 a6 .1km/arcsec 55 radial velocity, written as an integer number 159 a1 - 56* flag 160 a1 - 57* flag 161-162 a2 - 58* spectrum 163 a1 - 59* subclass spectral classification 164 a1 - 60* flag on luminosity 165-166 a2 - 61* luminosity class 167 a1 - 62* flag 168 a1 - 63* multiple system type 169-170 a2 - 64* multiple system, type of star 171 a1 - 65* flag 172-174 a3 deg 66 direction angle of companion 175 a1 - 67* flag 176-179 a4 .1 arcsec 68 separation, written as an integer number 180 a1 - 69 1 - uncertainty on AC2000 number 181-184 a4 - 70 chart number FONAC1.0 185-191 a7 - 71 AC2000 number 192 72 1 - uncertainty on UCAC2 number 193-194 73 5 - code UCAC2 195-204 74 UCAC2 number 205 a1 - 75 1 - uncertainty on GSC number 206-207 a2 - 76 1 - code GSC 208-217 a10 - 77 GSC number 218 a1 - 78 1 - uncertainty on star number 219-220 i2 - 79* code catalogue or author's list 221-230 i10 - 80* star number 231-308 a1,i2,i10 - 81-98 see bytes 218, 219-220, 221-230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ivanov,G.A.: Cross-identifications of stars with high proper motion. Kinematika i Fizika Nebes. Tel, 24, 2, 164-166, 2008. The notes: Note on 2*: 3 - if (B-V) or (U-B), (V-R), (V-I), (R-I), (V-K) there are Note on 3*-11*: 1-199 - identificators of sources up to 1979 year 200-399 - identificators of sources 1980-1989 years 400-999 - identificators of sources 1990-2000 years 1000,>1000 - identificators of sources with 2001 year Note on 18*, 25*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of right ascension (18*), declination (25*) Note on 22*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of proper motion 2 - proper motion is unknown, but very likely more than 0.04 arcsec/year Note on 23*: 0 - relative proper motion 2 - proper motion is given in the system of the FK5 3 - absolute proper motion 4 - proper motion is given in the ICRS reference system Note on 31*, 32*, 33*, 34*, 35*: 1 - international photometric system (mpg, mpv, mr) 2 - Johnson photometric system (UBVRI - photographic) 3 - Johnson photometric system (UBV - precise up to .05) 4 - visual magnitude 5 - Kron photometric system (RI) 6 - Weistrop photometric system (RI) 7 - Cousins photometric system (RI) Note on 36*, 38*, 40*, 42*, 44*, 46*, 48*, 50*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of magnitude 2 - if (B-V) or (U-B), (V-R), (R-I), (V-I) equal 0 4 - variable magnitude 7 - if (V-R), (V-I) or (V-K) there are 8 - uncertain or erroneous value of magnitude (V-R), (V-I) or (V-K) 9 - joint magnitude Note on 52*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of metallisity - [Fe/H] 2,3 - P[Fe/H], uncertain or erroneous value P[Fe/H] 4,5 - P[Fe/H]M1 (Eggen,O.J.. Astron. J., 106, 1, 80-132, 1993), uncertain or erroneous value P[Fe/H]M1 6,7 - [M/H], uncertain or erroneous value [M/H] Note on 54*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of radial velocity 4,5 - variable or variable (?) radial velocity 9 - value value of radial velocity combined components of multiple system Note on 56*, 57*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous specifity of spectrum, spectral type 2 - sharp lines (s) 3 - peculiar spectrum 4 - variale spectrum 5 - nebulous lines 6 - emission lines 7 - metallic lines star 8 - spectral type more late (as a rule +0.5 subclass) 9 - combined spectral type Note on 58*: 00 - class O 70 - class DA-white dwarfs stars 01 - class B 71 - class DB 02 - class A 72 - class DC 03 - class F 73 - class DD 04 - class G 74 - class DE 05 - class K 75 - class DF 06 - class M 76 - class DG 07 - class R, carbon star 77 - class DK 08 - class N, carbon star 78 - class DO 09 - class C, carbon star 79 - class DX 10 - class S, zirconium star 80 - class DZ 11 - class WR, Wolf-Rayet star 81 - class DZA 12 - class WC, Wolf-Rayet star 82 - class DBA 13 - class WN, Wolf-Rayet star 83 - class DAF 14 - class L, dwarf 84 - class DBZ 15 - class B-A 85 - class DAH 25 - class A-F 86 - class DM 35 - class F-G 87 - class DAZ 45 - class G-K 88 - class DQ 55 - class K-M 89 - class DBQ 90 - class DAB 91 - class DXH Note on 59*: z - 0 or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Note on 60*: 1 - unsertain or erroneous luminosity class 5,7 - dwarf or dwarf (?) - old classification 6,8 - subdwarf or subdwarf (?) - old classification 3,4 - giant or giant (?) - old classification Note on 61*: 10 - class I 20 - class II 30 - class III 12 - class Ia 21 - class Ib-IIa 31 - class IIb-IIIa 13 - class Ia-Iab 22 - class IIa 32 - class IIIa 14 - class Iab 23 - class IIa-IIab 34 - class IIIab 15 - class I-II 24 - class IIab 35 - class III-IV 16 - class Ia-Ib 25 - class II-III 38 - class IIIb 17 - class Iab-Ib 26 - class IIa-IIb 40 - class IV 18 - class Ib 27 - class IIab-IIb 42 - class IVa 19 - class Ib-II 28 - class IIb 44 - class IVab 29 - class IIb-III 45 - class IV-V 48 - class IVb 50 - class V 52 - class Va 54 - class Vab 55 - class V-VI 58 - class Vb 60 - class VI 70 - class VII Note on 62*: 1 - uncertainty of multiple system type (see n.64*) 2,3 - infrared or infrared (?) source 4,5 - variable or variable (?) star 8,9 - X-ray or photospherically active star Note on 63*: 1 - uncertainty of multiple system, type of star (see n.65*) 2 - rapid motion of companion 3 - eclipsing binary 4 - orbital binary with orbital elements or without 5 - optical binary 6 - true binary 7 - astrometric binary 8 - spectroscopic binary 9 - uncertainty of spectroscopic binary Note on 64*: 11 - it is possible to by the same star (double mark) 20 - binary star (A) 21 - binary star (B) 22 - close binary star (A) 23 - active binary star (A) 30 - triple star (A) 31 - triple star (B) 32 - triple star (C) 33 - active triple star (A) 40 - multiple system (more 3 companions) or D companion 41 - pulsar or radio pulsar 43 - maser 44 - blue star 45 - radio star 46 - field horizontal-branch star (FHB), blue horizontal-branch star (BHB), red horizontal-branch star (RHB) 47 - cataclysmic variable star (CVs) 48 - pre-main sequence star (PMS) Note on 65*, 67*: 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of angle 8 - increasing angle 9 - decreasing angle 1 - uncertain or erroneous value of separation 8 - increasing separation 9 - decreasing separation Note on 79*, 80* (code of catalogue or author's list, star number): 1 - GSC (The Guide Star Catalogue) xxxx - chart number zzzzz - current number of star xxxxzzzzz 2 - LP (Proper Motion Survey, Luyten,W.J.) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz 3 - Kapteyn, Selected Areas xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz 4 - T (Toulouse) xx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxzzzz 5 - UCAC2 (The Second U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog) zzzzzzzzzz - UCAC2 number 6 - NLTT (Luyten,W.J) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz 7 - Pul (Pulkovo, Selected Areas, Deutsch,A.N.) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz (supplementary (s) stars in chart - xxx+300) 8 - G (Lowell Proper Motion Survey, Giglas,H.L. et al) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz (if number of star, for example,is B1 or D2, then zzzz+1000) 9 - Rad (Radcliffe Cataloque of Proper Motion in the Selected Areas 1 to 115) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz 10 - BD xx - declination zone zzzz - current number of star xxzzzz 11 - GCVS (General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th Edition, Kholopov,P.N. et al; with supplements) cross - identifications of variable stars: xx - [1/88] constellation numeric code yyyy - star number within the constellation ccccccccc - variable star designation zzzzz - NSV number xxyyyy cccccccccc cccccccc zzzzz 10001 R And 10006 W And 10008 Y And 10030 TW And 10049 XX And 10056 AB And 10060 AF And 10073 AT And 10085 BG And 10097 BT And 10002 S And 10119 CS And 10132 DI And 10137 DO And 10170 FF And 10176 FM And 10196 GN And 10197 GO And 10199 GQ And 10206 GX And 10208 GZ And 10209 HH And 10223 HW And 10254 KU And 10259 KZ And 10266 LR And 10308 OU And 10309 OV And 134 10321 PW And 10324 PZ And 790 10328 QT And 10329 QU And 10333 QY And 10340 v0340 And 15 And 14627 10344 v0344 And 10355 v0355 And 10359 v0359 And 10361 v0361 And 10370 v0370 And 10371 v0371 And 10373 v0373 And 10374 v0374 And 10376 v0376 And 10388 v0388 And 13 And 10390 v0390 And 10405 v0405 And 10428 v0428 And 15135 10413 v0413 And 19001 alf And 21 And 19006 zet And 34 And 19011 lam And 16 And 40023 SW Aqr 40024 SX Aqr 40047 WY Aqr 40059 AE Aqr 40124 CX Aqr 40125 CY Aqr 40219 HS Aqr 40226 HZ Aqr 13768 40245 KL Aqr 40283 MU Aqr 50001 R Aql 50010 RR Aql 50025 SY Aql 50028 TU Aql 50030 TW Aql 50160 EQ Aql 50175 FL Aql 50268 LT Aql 50284 MV Aql 50295 NT Aql 50302 OO Aql 50304 OQ Aql 50341 v0341 Aql 50360 v0360 Aql 50372 v0372 Aql 50437 v0437 Aql 50466 v0466 Aql 50475 v0475 Aql 50497 v0497 Aql 50504 v0504 Aql 50547 v0547 Aql 50569 v0569 Aql 50573 v0573 Aql 50582 v0582 Aql 50622 v0622 Aql 50626 v0626 Aql 50664 v0664 Aql 50670 v0670 Aql 50672 v0672 Aql 50679 v0679 Aql 50697 v0697 Aql 50698 v0698 Aql 50699 v0699 Aql 50705 v0705 Aql 50712 v0712 Aql 50787 v0787 Aql 50789 v0789 Aql 50800 v0800 Aql 50810 v0810 Aql 50840 v0840 Aql 50849 v0849 Aql 50864 v0864 Aql 50877 v0877 Aql 50887 v0887 Aql 50898 v0898 Aql 50991 v0991 Aql 51045 v1045 Aql 51095 v1095 Aql 51110 v1110 Aql 51115 v1115 Aql 51132 v1132 Aql 51187 v1187 Aql 51202 v1202 Aql 51206 v1206 Aql 51214 v1214 Aql 51237 v1237 Aql 51280 v1280 Aql 51285 v1285 Aql 51286 v1286 Aql 10 Aql 51289 v1289 Aql 51298 v1298 AqlB 51352 v1352 Aql 51355 v1355 Aql 51406 v1406 Aql 51412 v1412 Aql 51413 v1413 Aql 51423 v1423 Aql 51428 v1428 AqlA 51436 v1436 Aql 51472 v1472 Aql 51493 v1493 Aql 51515 v1515 Aql 51546 v1546 Aql 51562 v1562 Aql 51599 v1599 Aql 51601 v1601 Aql 51654 v1654 Aql 70005 V Ari 70007 X Ari 70016 RX Ari 70032 TY Ari 70033 TZ Ari 70034 UU Ari 70035 UV Ari 38 Ari 70037 UX Ari 70042 VX Ari 70043 VY Ari 70044 VZ Ari 70045 WW Ari 70058 AD Ari 70064 AK Ari 70069 AP Ari 70071 AR Ari 70075 AV Ari 15 Ari 70078 AY Ari 79003 gam2 Ari 5 AriA 79003 gam1 Ari 5 AriB 80013 RU Aur 80018 RZ Aur 80020 ST Aur 80026 SZ Aur 80035 UV Aur 80059 AE Aur 80077 AX Aur 80078 AY Aur 80124 CX Aur 80136 DN Aur 80159 EP Aur 80228 IK Aur 80252 KS Aur 80261 LM Aur 80292 NQ Aur 80333 QY Aur 80351 v0351 Aur 80361 v0361 Aur 80390 v0390 Aur 80398 v0398 Aur 9 Aur 80404 v0404 Aur 80422 v0422 Aur 80428 v0428 Aur 80432 v0432 Aur 80454 v0454 Aur 80455 v0455 Aur 89002 bet Aur 34 Aur 89008 tet Aur 37 Aur 90009 Z Boo 90016 RX Boo 90017 RY Boo 90019 SS Boo 90023 SW Boo 90030 TW Boo 90032 TY Boo 90033 TZ Boo 90034 UU Boo 90035 UV Boo 90038 UY Boo 90041 VW Boo 90042 VX Boo 90051 XZ Boo 90054 ZZ Boo 90059 AE Boo 90075 AN Boo 90093 BP Boo 90106 CE Boo 90107 CF Boo 13 Boo 90109 CH Boo 90110 CI Boo 90111 CK Boo 90114 CN Boo 6607 90116 CP Boo 90118 CR Boo 90124 CX Boo 90128 DE Boo 90131 DH Boo 90132 DI Boo 90133 DK Boo 90139 DQ Boo 90141 DS Boo 90149 EE Boo 90150 EF Boo 90154 EK Boo 6796 90173 FI Boo 90177 FN Boo 90193 GK Boo 90196 GN Boo 99003 gam Boo 27 Boo 99009 iot Boo 21 Boo 6610 99010 2kap2 Boo 99014 ksi Boo xi Boo 99014 37 Boo 99109 i Boo 44 Boo 110022 SV Cam 110044 VZ Cam 110045 WW Cam 110045 WW Cam 110063 AI Cam 110065 AL Cam 110077 AX Cam 53 Cam 110081 BC Cam 110087 BI Cam 110089 BL Cam 110095 BR Cam 110097 BT Cam 110103 BZ Cam 110114 CN Cam 5256 110132 DI Cam 110137 DO Cam 1720 110138 DP Cam 110142 DT Cam 110145 DW Cam 110149 EE Cam 110151 EG Cam 110159 EP Cam 110165 EV Cam 110181 FR Cam 5415 110218 HR Cam 110259 KZ Cam 120005 V Cnc 120010 RR Cnc 120027 TT Cnc 120031 TX Cnc 120047 WY Cnc 120053 YZ Cnc 120055 AA Cnc 120070 AQ Cnc 120074 AU Cnc 120076 AW Cnc 120077 AX Cnc 120078 AY Cnc 120085 BG Cnc 120091 BN Cnc 120093 BP Cnc 27 Cnc 120096 BS Cnc 120097 BT Cnc 38 Cnc 120098 BU Cnc 120099 BV Cnc 120100 BW Cnc 120101 BX Cnc 120102 BY Cnc 120106 CE Cnc 120110 CI Cnc 120121 CU Cnc 120122 CV Cnc 120123 CW Cnc 120124 CX Cnc 28 Cnc 120125 CY Cnc 120146 DX Cnc 120153 EI Cnc 120158 EO Cnc 120170 FF Cnc 120174 FK Cnc 120175 FL Cnc 120179 FP CncA 120181 FR Cnc 120189 FZ Cnc 4332 120201 GS Cnc 120204 GV Cnc 120210 HI Cnc 4192 120211 HK Cnc 129017 rho CncA 55 Cnc 130011 RS CVn 130013 RU CVn 130016 RX CVn 130017 RY CVn 130018 RZ CVn 130019 SS CVn 130024 SX CVn 130025 SY CVn 130026 SZ CVn 130032 TY CVn 130039 UZ CVn 130041 VW CVn 130043 VY CVn 130063 AI CVn 130066 AM CVn 130068 AO CVn 20 CVn 130072 AS CVn 130084 BF CVn 130085 BG CVn 130086 BH CVn 130090 BM CVn 130091 BN CVn 130094 BQ CVn 130110 CI CVn 130115 CO CVn 130123 CW CVn 130124 CX CVn 130126 CZ CVn 130127 DD CVn 130128 DE CVn 130130 DG CVn 139001 2alf2 CVn 12 CVn 150031 TX CMi 150053 YZ CMi 150081 BC CMi 150092 BO CMi 150095 BR CMi 150123 CW CMi 159002 bet CMi 3 CMi 159003 gam CMi 4 CMi 180001 R Cas 180008 Y Cas 180066 AM Cas 180111 CK Cas 180123 CW Cas 180124 CX Cas 180135 DM Cas 180137 DO Cas 180148 DZ Cas 180151 EG Cas 180194 GL Cas 180200 GR Cas 180301 NZ Cas 180361 v0361 Cas 180377 v0377 Cas 180388 v0388 Cas 180393 v0393 Cas 180412 v0412 Cas 180473 v0473 Cas 180473 v0473 Cas 180523 v0523 Cas 180526 v0526 Cas 180532 v0532 Cas 180543 v0543 Cas 180547 v0547 Cas 180557 v0557 Cas 43 Cas 180588 v0588 Cas 180596 v0596 Cas 684 180640 v0640 Cas 180683 v0683 Cas 180740 v0740 Cas 180773 v0733 Cas 180784 v0784 Cas 180789 v0789 Cas 180842 v0842 Cas 189001 alf Cas 18 Cas 189002 bet Cas 11 Cas 189004 del Cas 37 Cas 189007 eta Cas 24 Cas 189009 iot Cas 189016 pi Cas 200001 R Cep 200003 T Cep 200005 V Cep 200018 RZ Cep 200026 SZ Cep 200027 TT Cep 200038 UY Cep 200041 VW Cep 200045 WW Cep 200048 WZ Cep 200055 AA Cep 200078 AY Cep 200090 BM Cep 200137 DO Cep 200151 EG Cep 200200 GR Cep 200203 GU Cep 200215 HO Cep 200269 LU Cep 200277 MO Cep 18 Cep 200298 NW Cep 200302 OO Cep 200309 OV Cep 200334 QZ Cep 200345 v0345 Cep 200358 v0358 Cep 200368 v0368 Cep 200376 v0376 Cep 200403 v0403 Cep 200405 v0405 Cep 200407 v0407 Cep 200430 v0430 Cep 200445 v0445 Cep 200506 v0506 Cep 200656 v0656 Cep 200662 v0662 Cep 200711 v0711 Cep 209005 eps Cep 23 Cep 210001 R Cet 210010 RR Cet 210010 RR Cet 210067 AN Cet 210087 BI Cet 210101 BX Cet 210102 BY Cet 210103 BZ Cet 210105 CD Cet 210146 DX Cet 871 210149 EE Cet 210150 EF Cet 210151 EG Cet 210154 EK Cet 210156 EM Cet 210157 EN Cet 219001 alf Cet 92 Cet 219010 1kap1 Cet 1100 250004 U Com 250006 W Com 250009 Z Com 250015 RW Com 250020 ST Com 250037 UX Com 250041 VW Com 250077 AX Com 250080 BB Com 250096 BS Com 250097 BT Com 250104 CC Com 250105 CD Com 250124 CX Com 250140 DR Com 250149 EE Com 250154 EK Com 250174 FK Com 250177 FN Com 250182 FS Com 40 Com 250193 GK Com 250198 GP Com 250212 HL Com 250228 IK Com 250237 IT Com 250238 IU Com 250239 IV Com 250250 KQ Com 250251 KR Com 250257 KX Com 250260 LL Com 250263 LO Com 270011 RS CrB 270032 TY CrB 270033 TZ CrB sig2 CrB 270034 UU CrB 270052 YY CrB 279001 alf CrB 5 CrB 279002 bet CrB 3 CrB 279003 gam CrB 8 CrB 279004 del CrB 10 CrB 310003 T Cyg 310006 W Cyg 310019 SS Cyg 310051 XZ Cyg 310054 ZZ Cyg 310056 AB Cyg 310060 AF Cyg 310064 AK Cyg 310075 AV Cyg 310092 BO Cyg 310106 CE Cyg 310120 CT Cyg 310165 EV Cyg 310210 HI Cyg 310221 HU Cyg 310227 II Cyg 310232 IO Cyg 310265 LQ Cyg 310282 MT Cyg 310292 NQ Cyg 310294 NS Cyg 310306 OS Cyg 310340 v0340 Cyg 310373 v0373 Cyg 310446 v0446 Cyg 310485 v0485 Cyg 310499 v0499 Cyg 310500 v0500 Cyg 310505 v0505 Cyg 310533 v0533 Cyg 310576 v0576 Cyg 310580 v0580 Cyg 310595 v0595 Cyg 310599 v0599 Cyg 310613 v0613 Cyg 310649 v0649 Cyg 310652 v0652 Cyg 310682 v0682 Cyg 310700 v0700 Cyg 310702 v0702 Cyg 310726 v0726 Cyg 310746 v0746 Cyg 310766 v0766 Cyg 310792 v0792 Cyg 310807 v0807 Cyg 310835 v0835 Cyg 310842 v0842 Cyg 310855 v0855 Cyg 310874 v0874 Cyg 310888 v0888 Cyg 310892 v0892 Cyg 310895 v0895 Cyg 310896 v0896 Cyg 310907 v0907 Cyg 310922 v0922 Cyg 310945 v0945 Cyg 310962 v0962 Cyg 310973 v0973 Cyg 310975 v0975 Cyg 311022 v1022 Cyg 311025 v1025 Cyg 311041 v1041 Cyg 311061 v1061 Cyg 311081 v1081 Cyg 311090 v1090 Cyg 311122 v1122 Cyg 311126 v1126 Cyg 311128 v1128 Cyg 311143 v1143 Cyg 311187 v1187 Cyg 311191 v1191 Cyg 311193 v1193 Cyg 311194 v1194 Cyg 311203 v1203 Cyg 311226 v1226 Cyg 311229 v1229 Cyg 311269 v1269 Cyg 311276 v1276 Cyg 311279 v1279 Cyg 311296 v1296 Cyg 311302 v1302 Cyg 311315 v1315 Cyg 311348 v1348 Cyg 311351 v1351 Cyg 311355 v1355 Cyg 311396 v1396 Cyg 311401 v1401 Cyg 311409 v1409 Cyg 311424 v1424 Cyg 311470 v1470 Cyg 311478 v1478 Cyg 311480 v1480 Cyg 311484 v1484 Cyg 311509 v1509 Cyg 19 Cyg 311513 v1513 Cyg 311518 v1518 Cyg 311530 v1530 Cyg 311581 v1581 Cyg 311606 v1606 Cyg 311608 v1608 Cyg 311633 v1633 Cyg 311644 v1644 Cyg 29 Cyg 311678 v1678 Cyg 311690 v1690 Cyg 311734 v1734 Cyg 311736 v1736 Cyg 311755 v1755 Cyg 311759 v1759 Cyg 311762 v1762 Cyg 311803 v1803 Cyg 61 CygA 311816 v1816 Cyg 12113 311861 v1861 Cyg 311862 v1862 Cyg 311868 v1868 Cyg 311870 v1870 Cyg 311874 v1874 Cyg 311876 v1876 Cyg 311900 v1900 Cyg 311918 v1918 Cyg 12040 311930 v1930 Cyg 311994 v1994 Cyg 312003 v2003 Cyg 312008 v2008 Cyg b01 Cyg 312047 v2047 Cyg 312078 v2078 Cyg 312080 v2080 Cyg 312082 v2082 Cyg 312083 v2083 Cyg 312084 v2084 Cyg 312094 v2094 Cyg 312121 v2121 Cyg 43 Cyg 312151 v2151 Cyg 312154 v2154 Cyg 312160 v2160 Cyg 312168 v2168 Cyg 312195 v2195 Cyg 312203 v2203 Cyg 312256 v2256 Cyg 312277 v2277 Cyg 312297 v2297 Cyg 312313 v2313 Cyg 312356 v2356 Cyg 319005 eps Cyg 53 Cyg 319019 tau Cyg 65 Cyg 319022 khi Cyg 320011 RS Del 320015 RW Del 320026 SZ Del 320071 AR Del 320084 BF Del 320085 BG Del 320107 CF Del 320118 CR Del 320133 DK Del 320164 EU Del 320204 GV Del 320221 HU Del 320237 IT Del 320265 LQ Del 320267 LS Del 320268 LT Del 320269 LU Del 320277 MO Del 320280 MR Del 320283 MU Del 329004 del Del 11 Del 340001 R Dra 340003 T Dra 340021 SU Dra 340031 TX Dra 340038 UY Dra 340039 UZ Dra 340040 VV Dra 340041 VW Dra 340043 VY Dra 340045 WW Dra 340049 XX Dra 340053 YZ Dra 340056 AB Dra 340072 AS Dra 340081 BC Dra 340099 BV Dra 340100 BW Dra 340102 BY Dra 340112 CL Dra 340113 CM Dra 340113 CM Dra 340117 CQ Dra 4 Dra 340118 CR Dra 340127 DD Dra 340130 DG Dra 340134 DL Dra 340136 DN Dra 340138 DP Dra 340140 DR Dra 29 Dra 340143 DU Dra 340154 EK Dra 340161 ER Dra 340165 EV Dra 340166 EW Dra 340174 FK Dra 340184 FU Dra 340195 GM Dra 340216 HP Dra 340236 IS Dra 340238 IU Dra 20246 340264 LP Dra 349010 kap Dra 5 Dra 349015 omi Dra 47 Dra 350001 R Equ 350011 RS Equ 350015 RW Equ 359003 gam Equ 5 Equ 360046 WX Eri 380003 T Gem 380004 U Gem 380012 RT Gem 380016 RX Gem 380052 YY Gem CASTOR C 380072 AS Gem 380094 BQ Gem 51 Gem 380101 BX Gem 380103 BZ Gem 380172 FH Gem 380174 FK Gem 380184 FU Gem 380208 GZ Gem 380212 HL Gem 380223 HW Gem 380235 IR Gem 380236 IS Gem 380258 KY Gem 380303 OP Gem 380308 OU Gem 380311 OX Gem 2839 380329 QU Gem 380345 v0345 Gem 389007 eta Gem 7 Gem 389012 mu Gem 13 Gem 389018 sig Gem 75 Gem 400005 V Her 400006 W Her 400007 X Her 400009 Z Her 400017 RY Her 400024 SX Her 400026 SZ Her 400042 VX Her 400048 WZ Her 400064 AK Her 400071 AR Her 400088 BK Her 400092 BO Her 400112 CL Her 400121 CU Her 400138 DP Her 400149 EE Her 400161 ER Her 400197 GO Her 400209 HH Her 400229 IL Her 400234 IQ Her 400301 NZ Her 400311 OX Her 400379 v0379 Her 400455 v0455 Her 400464 v0464 Her 400475 v0475 Her 400479 v0479 Her 400518 v0518 Her 400637 v0637 Her 400639 v0639 Her 400642 v0642 Her 400644 v0644 Her 400647 v0647 Her 400648 v0648 Her 400656 v0656 Her 400673 v0673 Her 400691 v0691 Her 400731 v0731 Her 400746 v0746 Her 400749 v0749 Her 400753 v0753 Her 400772 v0772 Her 400774 v0774 Her 400775 v0775 Her 400776 v0776 Her 400777 v0777 Her 400807 v0807 Her 400815 v0815 Her 400816 v0816 Her 11248 400819 v0819 Her 400831 v0831 Her 400835 v0835 Her 400857 v0857 Her 400868 v0868 Her 400884 v0884 Her 400885 v0885 Her 400889 v0889 Her 400898 v0898 Her 400899 v0899 Her 400908 v0908 Her 400929 v0929 Her 400930 v0930 Her 400931 v0931 Her 400935 v0935 Her 400959 v0959 Her 400960 v0960 Her 400972 v0972 Her 400982 v0982 Her 400991 v0991 Her 400998 v0998 Her 401022 v1022 Her 401025 v1025 Her 401038 v1038 Her 401075 v1075 Her 409003 gam Her 20 Her 7667 409014 ksi Her 92 Her 9927 409016 phi Her 7490 409019 tau Her 22 Her 7641 409024 ome Her 24 Her 420017 RY Hya 420124 CX Hya 420171 FG Hya 420185 FV Hya 420193 GK Hya 420302 OO Hya 429005 eps Hya 11 Hya 4244 450012 RT Lac 450017 RY Lac 450023 SW Lac 450036 UW Lac 450044 VZ Lac 450046 WX Lac 450047 WY Lac 450050 XY Lac 450071 AR Lac 450083 BE Lac 450102 BY Lac 450107 CF Lac 450129 DF Lac 450153 EI Lac 450165 EV Lac 450178 FO Lac 450211 HK Lac 450230 IM Lac 450233 IP Lac 450247 KN Lac 450249 KP Lac 450289 NN Lac 450303 OP Lac 450339 v0339 Lac 450342 v0342 Lac 450343 v0343 Lac 450346 v0346 Lac 450350 v0350 Lac 450355 v0355 Lac 450383 v0383 Lac 450416 v0416 Lac 14260 460001 R Leo 460002 S Leo 460003 T Leo 460007 X Leo 460016 RX Leo 460020 ST Leo 460031 TX Leo 49 Leo 460046 WX Leo 460050 XY Leo 460058 AD Leo 460066 AM Leo 460067 AN Leo 460068 AO Leo 460069 AP Leo 460091 BN Leo 460111 CK Leo 460114 CN Leo 460117 CQ Leo 460118 CR Leo 460121 CU Leo 460127 DD Leo 460128 DE Leo 44 Leo 460129 DF Leo 460130 DG Leo 460131 DH Leo 4696 460132 DI Leo 460133 DK Leo 460139 DQ Leo 93 Leo 460141 DS Leo 460143 DU Leo 460146 DX Leo 460147 DY Leo 460149 EE Leo 460155 EL Leo 460162 ES Leo 46 Leo 4883 460163 ET Leo 460167 EX Leo 460172 FH Leo 460174 FK Leo 460176 FM Leo 460182 FS Leo 460191 GH Leo 460199 GQ Leo 460200 GR Leo 19053 469002 bet Leo 94 Leo 5349 470005 V LMi 470007 X LMi 470008 Y LMi 470017 RY LMi 470022 SV LMi 470029 TV LMi 470036 UW LMi 470045 WW LMi 510002 S Lyn 510023 SW Lyn 510027 TT Lyn 510035 UV Lyn 510040 VV Lyn 510041 VW Lyn 510059 AE Lyn 54 Cam 510084 BF Lyn 510089 BL Lyn 510091 BN Lyn 510102 BY Lyn 3597 510104 CC Lyn 510121 CU Lyn 510123 CW Lyn 510127 DD Lyn 510137 DO Lyn 17583 520001 R Lyr 520010 RR Lyr 520014 RV Lyr 520042 VX Lyr 520056 AB Lyr 520058 AD Lyr 520084 BF Lyr 520094 BQ Lyr 520127 DD Lyr 520175 FL Lyr 520192 GI Lyr 520240 IW Lyr 520241 IX Lyr 520246 KM Lyr 520250 KQ Lyr 520284 MV Lyr 520323 PY Lyr 520326 QR Lyr 520400 v0400 Lyr 520470 v0470 Lyr 520478 v0478 Lyr 520487 v0487 Lyr 520511 v0511 Lyr 520561 v0561 Lyr 520584 v0584 Lyr 529001 alf Lyr VEGA 11128 529001 3 Lyr 550011 RS Mon 550061 AG Mon 550089 BL Mon 550108 CG Mon 550123 CW Mon 550126 CZ Mon 550187 FX Mon 550190 GG Mon 550311 OX Mon 550332 QX Mon 550383 v0383 Mon 550480 v0480 Mon 550487 v0487 Mon 550496 v0496 Mon 550507 v0507 Mon 550510 v0510 Mon 550515 v0515 Mon 550529 v0529 Mon 550538 v0538 Mon 550555 v0555 Mon 550618 v0618 Mon 550621 v0621 Mon 550628 v0628 Mon 550643 v0643 Mon 550645 v0645 Mon 28 Mon 550659 v0659 Mon 550715 v0715 Mon 550729 v0729 Mon 550765 v0765 Mon 550785 v0785 Mon 550789 v0789 Mon 590013 RU Oph 590383 v0383 Oph 590408 v0408 Oph 590455 v0455 Oph 590494 v0494 Oph 590508 v0508 Oph 590511 v0511 Oph 590566 v0566 Oph 590580 v0580 Oph 590586 v0586 Oph 590593 v0593 Oph 590613 v0613 Oph 590627 v0627 Oph 590644 v0644 Oph 590647 v0647 Oph 590656 v0656 Oph 590773 v0773 Oph 590777 v0777 Oph 590784 v0784 Oph 590786 v0786 Oph 590865 v0865 Oph 590903 v0903 Oph 590937 v0937 Oph 590968 v0968 Oph 591098 v1098 Oph 592031 v2031 Oph 592048 v2048 Oph 592085 v2085 Oph 592114 v2114 Oph 592133 v2133 Oph 12 Oph 592203 v2203 Oph 592213 v2213 Oph 592292 v2292 Oph 592312 v2312 Oph 592340 v2340 Oph 592343 v2343 Oph 592352 v2352 Oph 592356 v2356 Oph 592357 v2357 Oph 592369 v2369 Oph 592377 v2377 Oph 592380 v2380 Oph 592386 v2386 Oph 592387 v2387 Oph 592388 v2388 Oph 592391 v2391 Oph 70 Oph 592493 v2493 Oph 592500 v2500 Oph 592542 v2542 Oph 592553 v2553 Oph 592564 v2564 Oph 599010 kap Oph 27 Oph 600130 DG Ori 600131 DH Ori 600144 DV Ori 600146 DX Ori 600158 EO Ori 600330 v0330 Ori 600371 v0371 Ori 600469 v0469 Ori 600520 v0520 Ori 600549 v0549 Ori 600644 v0644 Ori 600809 v0809 Ori 600998 v0998 Ori 601005 v1005 Ori 601012 v1012 Ori 601198 v1198 Ori 601201 v1201 Ori 601308 v1308 Ori 2906 601352 v1352 Ori 601357 v1357 Ori 601362 v1362 Ori 601363 v1363 Ori 601386 v1386 Ori 601396 v1396 Ori 601402 v1402 Ori 601627 v1627 Ori 609015 1omi1 Ori 4 Ori 609022 1khi1 Ori 54 Ori 620004 U Peg 620059 AE Peg 620071 AR Peg 620082 BD Peg 620086 BH Peg 620102 BY Peg 620130 DG Peg 620132 DI Peg 620147 DY Peg 620147 DY Peg 620149 EE Peg 620160 EQ PegB 620160 EQ PegA 620167 EX Peg 620168 EY Peg 620169 EZ Peg 620175 FL Peg 620202 GT Peg 620206 GX Peg 620209 HH Peg 80 Peg 620214 HN Peg 620216 HP Peg 620222 HV Peg 69 Peg 620227 II Peg 620228 IK Peg 620233 IP Peg 620236 IS Peg 620252 KS Peg 620253 KT Peg 620254 KU Peg 620262 LN Peg 620263 LO Peg 620281 MS Peg 620282 MT Peg 620284 MV Peg 620291 NP Peg 620293 NR Peg 620301 NZ Peg 620307 OT Peg 620310 OW Peg 620312 OY Peg 620319 PU Peg 620325 QQ Peg 620328 QT Peg 620335 v0335 Peg 620338 v0338 Peg 620342 v0342 Peg 620345 v0345 Peg 620350 v0350 Peg 620353 v0353 Peg 620363 v0363 Peg 620372 v0372 Peg 620373 v0373 Peg 13 Peg 13891 620374 v0374 Peg 620377 OX Peg 620377 v0377 Peg 620394 v0394 Peg 629002 bet Peg 53 Peg 629006 zet Peg 42 Peg 630010 RR Per 630033 TZ Per 630039 UZ Per 630080 BB Per 630091 BN Per 630101 BX Per 630149 EE Per 630167 EX Per 630193 GK Per 630224 HX Per 630240 IW Per 630241 IX Per 630272 LX Per 630349 v0349 Per 630386 v0386 Per 630423 v0423 Per 630458 v0458 Per 1073 630468 v0468 Per 630469 v0469 Per 53 Per 1560 630487 v0487 Per 630491 v0491 Per 630492 v0492 Per 630505 v0505 Per 630506 v0506 Per 794 630510 v0510 Per 630519 v0519 Per 630522 v0522 Per 630545 v0545 Per 630546 v0546 Per 630559 v0559 Per 630565 v0565 Per 630568 v0568 Per 630570 v0570 Per 630572 v0572 Per 1083 630573 v0573 Per 630577 v0577 Per 630580 v0580 Per 630582 v0582 Per 50 Per 630592 v0592 Per 630595 v0595 Per 630610 v0610 Per 630611 v0611 Per 630613 v0613 Per 630614 v0614 Per 630615 v0615 Per 779 630617 v0617 Per 630619 v0619 Per 630637 v0637 Per 15831 639004 del Per 39 Per 639017 rho Per 25 Per 639023 psi Per 1200 639102 b Per 660002 S Psc 660005 V Psc 660012 RT Psc 660013 RU Psc 660017 RY Psc 660029 TV Psc 660031 TX Psc 19 Psc 660034 UU Psc 35 Psc 660035 UV Psc 660042 VX Psc 97 Psc 660043 VY Psc 660044 VZ Psc 660049 XX Psc 660051 XZ Psc 660054 ZZ Psc 660055 AA Psc 660059 AE Psc 660071 AR Psc 660079 AZ Psc 660084 BF Psc 660085 BG Psc 660087 BI Psc 660088 BK Psc 660089 BL Psc 660092 BO Psc 660093 BP Psc 660095 BR Psc 660097 BT Psc 660114 CN Psc 660116 CP Psc 660121 CU Psc 660129 DF Psc 660132 DI Psc 660137 DO Psc 660142 DT Psc 660144 DV Psc 669004 del Psc 669006 zet PscA 15259 669010 kap Psc 669012 mu Psc 710007 X Sge 710010 RR Sge 710033 TZ Sge 710037 UX Sge 710038 UY Sge 710048 WZ Sge 710099 BV Sge 710116 CP Sge 710120 CT Sge 710133 DK Sge 710148 DZ Sge 710151 EG Sge 710173 FI Sge 710209 HH Sge 710224 HX Sqe 710232 IO Sge 710242 IY Sge 710286 MX Sge 760010 RR Ser 760043 VY Ser 760054 ZZ Ser 760061 AG Ser 760069 AP Ser 760071 AR Ser 760074 AU Ser 760092 BO Ser 760093 BP Ser 760119 CS Ser 760124 CX Ser 760129 DF Ser 760135 DM Ser 760142 DT Ser 760180 FQ Ser 760181 FR Ser 760279 MQ Ser 5 Ser 760281 MS Ser 760292 NQ Ser 760307 OT Ser 760308 OU Ser 760318 PT Ser 760332 QX Ser 760333 QY Ser 760372 v0372 Ser 769004 del Ser 13 Ser 769022 khi Ser 770009 Z Sex 770017 RY Sex 770038 UY Sex 779002 bet Sex 780004 U Tau 780007 X Tau 780044 VZ Tau 780051 XZ Tau 780055 AA Tau 780062 AH Tau 780079 AZ Tau 780085 BG Tau 780086 BH Tau 780090 BM Tau 780098 BU Tau 28 Tau 780105 CD Tau 780124 CX Tau 780160 EQ Tau 780168 EY Tau 780172 FH Tau 780175 FL Tau 780179 FP Tau 780182 FS Tau 780192 GI Tau 780193 GK Tau 780196 GN Tau 780198 GP Tau 780201 GS Tau 41 Tau 780203 GU Tau 780212 HL Tau 780215 HO Tau 780222 HV Tau 780227 II Tau 780230 IM Tau 44 Tau 780231 IN Tau 780233 IP Tau 780240 IW Tau 780249 KP Tau 780251 KR Tau 780255 KV Tau 780258 KY Tau 780260 LL Tau 780266 LR Tau 780267 LS Tau 780274 LZ Tau 780275 MM Tau 780277 MO Tau 780280 MR Tau 780281 MS Tau 780283 MU Tau 780284 MV Tau 780286 MX Tau 780287 MY Tau 780288 MZ Tau 780291 NP Tau 780297 NV Tau 780299 NX Tau 780303 OP Tau 780305 OR Tau 780305 OR Tau 780306 OS Tau 780308 OU Tau 780311 OX Tau 780314 PP Tau 780316 PR Tau 780318 PT Tau 780325 QQ Tau 780328 QT Tau 780332 QX Tau 780336 v0336 Tau 780338 v0338 Tau 780343 v0343 Tau 780346 v0346 Tau 780350 v0350 Tau 780353 v0353 Tau 780354 v0354 Tau 780357 v0357 Tau 780364 v0364 Tau 780365 v0365 Tau 780366 v0366 Tau 780370 v0370 Tau 780371 v0371 Tau 780372 v0372 Tau 780376 v0376 Tau 780377 v0377 Tau 780378 v0378 Tau 780378 v0378 Tau 780381 v0381 Tau 780382 v0382 Tau 780384 v0384 Tau 780398 v0398 Tau 780399 v0399 Tau 780402 v0402 Tau 780403 v0403 Tau 780405 v0405 Tau 780411 v0411 Tau 780424 v0424 Tau 780432 v0432 Tau 780435 v0435 Tau 780441 v0441 Tau 780444 v0444 Tau 780446 v0446 Tau 780448 v0448 Tau 780453 v0453 Tau 780456 v0456 Tau 780466 v0466 Tau 780471 v0471 Tau 780472 v0472 Tau 780480 v0480 Tau 97 Tau 780483 v0483 Tau 57 Tau 780484 v0484 Tau 780488 v0488 Tau 780500 v0500 Tau 780502 v0502 Tau 780513 v0513 Tau 780514 v0514 Tau 780516 v0516 Tau 780518 v0518 Tau 780524 v0524 Tau 780534 v0534 Tau 780535 v0535 Tau 780536 v0536 Tau 780540 v0540 Tau 780545 v0545 Tau 780547 v0547 Tau 780548 v0548 Tau 780550 v0550 Tau 780558 v0558 Tau 780567 v0567 Tau 780569 v0569 Tau 780573 v0573 Tau 780577 v0577 Tau 780579 v0579 Tau 780581 v0581 Tau 780584 v0584 Tau 780585 v0585 Tau 780606 v0606 Tau 780610 v0610 Tau 780613 v0613 Tau 780623 v0623 Tau 780624 v0624 Tau 780625 v0625 Tau 780627 v0627 Tau 780631 v0631 Tau 780632 v0632 Tau 780633 v0633 Tau 780635 v0635 Tau 780637 v0637 Tau 780638 v0638 Tau 780639 v0639 Tau 780641 v0641 Tau 780642 v0642 Tau 780643 v0643 Tau 780644 v0644 Tau 780646 v0646 Tau 780647 v0647 Tau 780650 v0650 Tau 780652 v0652 Tau 780656 v0656 Tau 780657 v0657 Tau 780658 v0658 Tau 780660 v0660 Tau 780664 v0664 Tau 780667 v0667 Tau 780673 v0673 Tau 780677 v0677 Tau 780679 v0679 Tau 780680 v0680 Tau 780692 v0692 Tau 780696 v0696 Tau 58 Tau 780697 v0697 Tau 780700 v0700 Tau 780703 v0703 Tau 780707 v0707 Tau 780709 v0709 Tau 780711 v0711 Tau 780724 v0724 Tau 56 Tau 780728 v0728 Tau 780733 v0733 Tau 780735 v0735 Tau 780740 v0740 Tau 780749 v0749 Tau 780753 v0753 Tau 780760 v0760 Tau 780764 v0764 Tau 780765 v0765 Tau 780771 v0771 Tau 780774 v0774 Tau 1536 780775 v0775 Tau 780776 v0776 Tau 68 Tau 780776 del3 Tau 780777 v0777 Tau 71 Tau 780780 v0780 Tau 780781 v0781 Tau 780782 v0782 Tau 780784 v0784 Tau 780785 v0785 Tau 780787 v0787 Tau 780788 v0788 Tau 780789 v0789 Tau 780793 v0793 Tau 780796 v0796 Tau 780797 v0797 Tau 780802 v0802 Tau 780805 v0805 Tau 780808 v0808 Tau 780810 v0810 Tau 780811 v0811 Tau 780812 v0812 Tau 780813 v0813 Tau 780814 v0814 Tau 780815 v0815 Tau 1295 780816 v0816 Tau 780818 v0818 Tau 780833 v0833 Tau 780834 v0834 Tau 780837 v0837 Tau 780838 v0838 Tau 780844 v0844 Tau 780845 v0845 Tau 780852 v0852 Tau 780855 v0855 Tau 780858 v0858 Tau 780865 v0865 Tau 780873 v0873 Tau 1331 780880 v0880 Tau 780886 v0886 Tau 780888 v0888 Tau 780891 v0891 Tau 1534 780893 v0893 Tau 780895 v0895 Tau 780896 v0896 Tau 780897 v0897 Tau 780906 v0906 Tau 780911 v0911 Tau 780918 v0918 Tau 780920 v0920 Tau 780921 v0921 Tau 780925 v0925 Tau 780932 v0932 Tau 780938 v0938 Tau 780940 v0940 Tau 780953 v0953 Tau 780958 v0958 Tau 780963 v0963 Tau 780966 v0966 Tau 780968 v0968 Tau 780969 v0969 Tau 780971 v0971 Tau 23 Tau 1287 780984 v0984 Tau 780985 v0985 Tau 780986 v0986 Tau 780987 v0987 Tau 780988 v0988 Tau 780989 v0989 Tau 780990 v0990 Tau 780991 v0991 Tau 780992 v0992 Tau 780993 v0993 Tau 780994 v0994 Tau 780995 v0995 Tau 780996 v0996 Tau 780997 v0997 Tau 780998 v0998 Tau 781001 v1001 Tau 1715 781004 v1004 Tau 781010 v1010 Tau 1281 781017 v1017 Tau 781024 v1024 Tau 53 Tau 781030 v1030 Tau 781033 v1033 Tau 781036 v1036 Tau 781038 v1038 Tau 781041 v1041 Tau 781045 v1045 Tau 781046 v1046 Tau 781048 v1048 Tau 781051 v1051 Tau 781054 v1054 Tau 781059 v1059 Tau 781065 v1065 Tau 781067 v1067 Tau 781073 v1073 Tau 781082 v1082 Tau 781084 v1084 Tau 781085 v1085 Tau 1274 781089 v1089 Tau 1353 781090 v1090 Tau 781091 v1091 Tau 781092 v1092 Tau 781094 v1094 Tau 781097 v1097 Tau 781099 v1099 Tau 48 Tau 781102 v1102 Tau 781103 v1103 Tau 781104 v1104 Tau 781105 v1105 Tau 781110 v1110 Tau 781115 v1115 Tau 781116 v1116 Tau 781119 v1119 Tau 111 Tau 781123 v1123 Tau 781124 v1124 Tau 781125 v1125 Tau 781128 v1128 Tau 781129 v1129 Tau 781134 v1134 Tau 781136 v1136 Tau 781141 v1141 Tau 781146 v1146 Tau 84 Tau 781147 v1147 Tau 781156 v1156 Tau 781168 v1168 Tau 15750 781169 v1169 Tau 781170 v1170 Tau 15752 781171 v1171 Tau 781173 v1173 Tau 781174 v1174 Tau 781175 v1175 Tau 15810 781176 v1176 Tau 781187 v1187 Tau 781189 v1189 Tau 781193 v1193 Tau 781194 v1194 Tau 781197 v1197 Tau 781201 v1201 Tau 781210 v1210 Tau 781211 v1211 Tau 1377 789001 alf Tau 87 Tau 789001 ALDEBARAN 789008 2tet2 Tau 78 Tau 789014 ksi Tau 2 Tau 789016 phi Tau 789017 rho Tau 86 Tau 789020 ups Tau 69 Tau 800015 RW Tri 800016 RX Tri 800033 TZ Tri 6 Tri 800036 UW Tri 800049 XX Tri 800053 YZ Tri 800055 AA Tri 800061 AG Tri 809001 alf Tri 2 Tri 830001 R UMa 830007 X UMa 830010 RR UMa 830014 RV UMa 830024 SX UMa 830026 SZ UMa 830028 TU UMa 830029 TV UMa 830032 TY UMa 830034 UU UMa 830037 UX UMa 830045 WW UMa 830046 WX UMa 830050 XY UMa 830067 AN UMa 830076 AW UMa 830086 BH UMa 830095 BR UMa 830096 BS UMa 830097 BT UMa 830098 BU UMa 830107 CF UMa 830115 CO UMa 830117 CQ UMa 830123 CW UMa 830124 CX UMa 830127 DD UMa 830129 DF UMa 830133 DK UMa 24 UMa 830133 d UMa 830134 DL UMa 830138 DP UMa 830151 EG UMa 830157 EN UMa 830158 EO UMa 830159 EP UMa 830162 ES UMa 830163 ET UMa 830169 EZ UMa 830171 FG UMa 830174 FK UMa 830198 GP UMa 830207 GY UMa 830214 HN UMa 830221 HU UMa 830222 HV UMa 5388 830224 HX UMa 830227 II UMa 830232 IO UMa 830235 IR UMa 830241 IX UMa 830246 KM UMa 5339 830247 KN UMa 830248 KO UMa 830249 KP UMa 830253 KT UMa 5028 830256 KW UMa 830259 KZ UMa 830266 LR UMa 18759 839005 eps UMa 77 UMa 839014 ksi UMaB xi UMaB 839014 53 UMaA 839016 1pi 1 UMa 17937 839020 ups UMa 29 UMa 840008 Y UMi 840010 RR UMi 840016 RX UMi 840026 SZ UMi 840028 TU UMi 840029 TV UMi 840031 TX UMi 840034 UU UMi 840038 UY UMi 849001 alf UMi 1 UMi 860007 X Vir 860012 RT Vir 860019 SS Vir 860034 UU Vir 860037 UX Vir 860039 UZ Vir 860046 WX Vir 860060 AF Vir 860062 AH Vir 860075 AV Vir 860076 AW Vir 860080 BB Vir 860088 BK Vir 860095 BR Vir 860099 BV Vir 860115 CO Vir 860117 CQ Vir 860121 CU Vir 860123 CW Vir 78 Vir 860131 DH Vir 860133 DK Vir 860142 DT Vir 860159 EP Vir 860170 FF Vir 860172 FH Vir 860173 FI Vir 860175 FL Vir 860176 FM Vir 860177 FN Vir 860178 FO Vir 860179 FP Vir 860182 FS Vir 860186 FW Vir 860190 GG Vir 860194 GL Vir 860203 GU Vir 860208 GZ Vir 860220 HT Vir 860231 IN Vir 860234 IQ Vir 860253 KT Vir 860262 LN Vir 860263 LO Vir 860289 NN Vir 860303 OP Vir 860312 OY Vir 860314 PP Vir 869013 nu Vir 3 Vir 5318 869017 rho Vir 30 Vir 880017 RY Vul 880019 SS Vul 880043 VY Vul 880072 AS Vul 880082 BD Vul 880091 BN Vul 880096 BS Vul 880113 CM Vul 880137 DO Vul 880149 EE Vul 880161 ER Vul 880171 FG Vul 880175 FL Vul 880181 FR Vul 880199 GQ Vul 880207 GY Vul 880246 KM Vul 880295 NT Vul 15 Vul 880318 PT Vul 880323 PY Vul 880328 QT Vul 880393 v0393 Vul 880401 v0401 Vul 880413 v0413 Vul 880417 v0417 Vul 880443 v0443 Vul 12 - DM ass by CDS xx - declination zone zzzzz - current number of star 20 - AGK3 xx - declination zone zzzz - current number of star xxzzzz 21 - XZ80Q (XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars) zzzzz - current number of star 22 - PPM zzzzzz - PPM number 23 - Hipparcos zzzzzz - HIP number 25 - ACRS zzzzzz - ACRS number 26 - PUL2 (Proper motions of 59766 stars with respect to galaxies in 149 areas of the sky, Bobylev, V.V.) xxx - number Pul2 area zzzz - star number in area 27 - Pul-3 (Pulkovo catalogue of 58483 stars, Khrutskaya, E.V.) xxx - number of the Pulkovo field zzzz - star number in field 30 - ADS zzzzz - ADS number 40 - SAO zzzzzz - SAO number 42 - KW (Praesepe,Klein-Wassink,W.J.) zzzz - KW number (if number of star with asterisk "a", then zzzz+1000) 45 - FI, FII, FIII (Furuhjelm,R.) xx - chart number zzz - current number of star xxzzz 50 - GC zzzzz - GC number 51 - MvA (Marschall,L., van Altena,W.F.) zzzz - MvA number 52 - W (General Cataloque of Stellar Radial Velosities, Wilson,R.E.) zzzzz - W number 53 - GD (White Dwarfs, Giglas,H.L.) zzzz - GD number 54 - W (North Galactic pole, Weistrop,D.) zzzzz - W number 60 - NPM1,NPM2 (Lick Northern Proper Motion Program, Klemola,A.R.) xx - declination zone zzzz - current number of star xxzzzz 61 - LFT (Luyten,W.J) zzzz - LFT number 62 - LTT (Luyten,W.J) zzzzz - LTT number 63 - LB (Luyten,W.J) zzzzz - LB number 64 - LDS (Luyten,W.J) zzzzz - LDS number 65 - GJ (Gliese,W.,Jahreiss,H) zzzz - GJ number 66 - H, Hz, HII (Pleiades,Hertzsprung,E) zzzz - H, Hz, HII number 67 - vB (Hyades,van Bueren,H.G.) zzz - vB number 68 - LHS (Luyten,W.J) zzzz - LHS number (if number of star with asterisk "a", then zzzz+10000, if with asterisk "b" - zzzz+20000) 69 - Wo (Woolley,R.) zzzzz - Wo number 70 - NSV (New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars, Kukarkin,B.N.; with supplements) cross - identifications of suspected variable stars: zzzzz - NSV number cccccccc - variable star designation zzzzz cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 3 33 47 49 50 53 60 78 88 99 khi Peg 89 Peg 116 tet And 24 And 118 sig And 25 And 120 206 220 229 235 242 245 246 258 268 pi Cas 20 Cas 287 293 310 343 36 And 352 360 365 371 373 397 405 410 80 Psc 414 bet And 43 And 421 423 tet Cas 33 Cas 424 434 442 zet PscB 86 PscB 444 445 451 460 469 474 478 489 493 515 95 Psc 519 531 534 544 572 590 42 Cas 600 107 Psc 613 614 615 omi Psc 110 Psc 625 626 635 658 bet Ari 667 680 lam AriB 686 691 112 Psc 694 699 711 725 alf Ari 13 Ari 738 15 Ari 743 747 6 Per 748 19 Ari 754 758 776 777 778 780 792 798 819 825 829 834 842 843 844 846 852 853 864 865 866 15 Tri 872 886 889 892 893 84 Cet 896 12 Per 900 901 902 tet Per 13 Per 909 mu Cet 87 Cet 921 923 928 937 40 Ari 946 951 41 Ari 956 16 Per 963 17 Per 970 972 977 20 Per 980 991 1004 1022 1035 1042 1052 1055 kap Per 27 Per 1066 del Ari 57 Ari 1070 1086 1091 1094 1097 1107 32 Per l Per 1100 1109 1110 1117 1118 1126 1134 omi Tau 1 Tau 1146 1158 1159 4h Cam 1170 1177 1182 36 Per 1187 1205 1220 1227 1245 1249 1251 1255 1262 16 Tau 1264 19 Tau 1265 1273 1276 1277 1279 20 Tau 1280 1283 21k Tau 1286 1297 1302 1316 1317 1321 1322 1327 1328 1333 1344 1345 27 Tau 1355 1358 1366 1367 1368 1377 1379 1387 1391 1420 1433 1437 1452 39 Tau 1463 1466 1506 1533 1537 48 Tau 1551 1553 gam Tau 54 Tau 1558 1566 1576 1582 del1 Tau 61 Tau 1583 1592 1593 kap1 Tau 65 Tau 1594 kap2 Tau 67 Tau 1597 1600 1612 1614 1617 1627 1635 1640 85 Tau 1641 1645 1658 88 Tau 1663 1673 1676 1692 1694 1705 1713 1724 1728 1729 1731 pi 3 Ori 6g Ori 1 Ori 1733 1735 1739 1750 1751 1792 1799 1812 1822 eta Aur 10 Aur 1834 1849 16 Ori 1853 1889 1897 alf Aur 13 Aur CAPELLA 1909 16 Aur 1922 55g Ori 1948 1963 2009 118 Tau 2047 2051 2058 18 Cam 2062 2076 2078 2085 2102 2230 2442 2547 2600 2615 2623 2661 ups Aur 31 Aur 2674 2685 2724 2733 2756 2761 2792 mu Ori 61 Ori 2796 2804 35 Cam 2812 39 Aur 2822 2829 2877 kap Aur 44 Aur 2896 182g Ori 2910 2936 3056 3061 3133 3193 ksi Gem xi Gem 31 Gem 3194 3202 B 3202 A 3226 3261 3266 38 Gem 3281 3338 3347 3373 3375 3377 3383 3437 tau Gem 46 Gem 3444 3449 3453 3469 52 Gem 3493 3512 lam Gem 54 Gem 3550 56 Gem 3582 3585 21 Lyn 3619 3622 3644 3652 ups Gem 69 Gem 3666 3672 alf CMi 10 CMi 3672 PROCYON 3705 3712 bet Gem 78 Gem POLLUX 3724 11 CMi 3754 3816 3823 3886 3904 3916 3922 3973 bet Cnc 17 Cnc 4030 31 Lyn 4034 4035 4051 4076 24 CncA 4076 24 CncB 4093 omi UMa 1 UMa 4117 4146 4163 4174 4175 4177 4181 4183 4192 4200 4211 4238 iot CncA 48 Cnc 4273 52 Cnc 4274 4279 4291 4296 4297 4300 4304 4310 4315 4327 alf Cnc 65 Cnc 4329 iot UMa 9 UMa 4345 4348 4357 kap UMa 12 UMa 4392 4394 4396 4425 tet Hya 22 Hya 4427 4456 alf Lyn 40 Lyn 4463 4465 4478 4490 4497 4503 4505 4506 h UMa 4508 4509 4510 4514 lam Leo 4 Leo 4518 ksi Leo 5 Leo 4519 tet UMa 25 UMa 4545 4550 4551 10 Leo 4568 iot Hya 170g Hya 35 Hya 4590 4613 eps Leo 17 Leo 4637 4651 4656 4694 21g Sex 4701 4713 4736 21 LMi 4750 alf Leo 32 Leo REGULUS 4765 4784 4796 4802 4803 4822 40 Leo 4823 gam1 Leo 41 LeoA 4829 mu UMa 34 UMa 4833 4836 4864 4880 4906 4920 4923 4928 4936 38 UMa 4942 4945 34 Sex 4949 4998 4999 46 LMi 5022 5034 5053 bet UMa 48 UMa 5059 61 Leo 5067 5070 alf UMaA 50 UMa 5071 alf UMaB 5079 khi Leo 5085 5088 5090 65 Leo 5105 5107 5117 5126 5140 5143 68 Leo 5144 tet Leo 70 Leo 5158 5169 5174 5184 iot Leo 78 Leo 5208 5230 5231 lam Dra 1 Dra 5279 5291 61 UMa 5310 5319 khi UMa 63 UMa 5341 5344 5353 5355 5370 5374 5379 gam UMa 64 UMa 5380 5393 5398 5403 5407 5426 5441 5452 5458 5472 5475 5479 5489 5495 5496 5499 5513 del UMa 69 UMa 5517 5520 5534 5555 eta Vir 45g Vir 15 Vir 5556 5557 5558 16 Vir c Vir 5559 gam Vir 5571 5574 5579 17 VirB 5585 5628 5638 5647 5652 5658 5665 5682 5717 5725 bet CVn 8 CVn 5726 5737 5742 5758 5773 5827 5828 5846 5850 5859 gam1 Vir 29 VirA 5860 5865 5867 31 Vir 5871 5908 5957 5962 5970 5983 6022 6023 6025 6026 bet Vir 43 Vir 6028 5767 6030 6039 6046 6054 6058 6064 eps Vir 47 Vir 6089 14 CVn 6094 6109 6116 42 Com 6155 6165 6171 6191 6196 6198 6210 6224 zet1 UMa 79 UMa 6225 zet2 UMa 79 UMa 6238 80 UMa ALCOR 6242 6261 6278 6287 6322 24 CVn 6329 6330 6347 6363 6370 6401 6431 6444 tau Boo 4 Boo 6450 eta UMa 85 UMa 6458 ups Boo 5 Boo 6468 6486 6502 9 Boo 6511 6516 6520 6522 6526 6533 6537 6546 alf Dra 11 Dra 6558 6567 6579 6593 6594 6597 14 Boo 6603 alf Boo 16 Boo ARCTURUS 6611 lam Boo 19 Boo 6629 238g Vir ups Vir 6630 6631 20 Boo 6649 6653 6655 6661 6667 6669 tet Boo 23 Boo 6675 phi Vir 246g Vir 6686 6697 rho Boo 25 Boo 6699 6710 6717 sig Boo 28 Boo 6718 6761 6765 6766 zet BooB 30 BooB 6766 zet BooA 30 BooA 6788 6794 109 Vir 6815 260g Vir 6818 6822 6847 6869 6875 6898 bet Boo 42 Boo 6908 6924 6934 6945 45 Boo 6983 6999 7002 del Boo 49 Boo 7005 7018 7028 7029 7032 1 CrB 7037 6 Ser 7046 7054 eta CrB 2 CrB 7059 7063 mu 1 Boo 7076 7093 7095 7103 7110 7156 7173 7246 lam Ser 27 Ser 7269 kap Ser 35 Ser 7275 7296 7300 rho Ser 38 Ser 7313 39 Ser 7335 2 Her 7350 gam Ser 41 Ser 7396 iot CrB 14 CrB 7420 7452 7488 tau CrB 16 CrB 7543 49 Ser 7559 7565 7573 7576 7595 7598 7611 7624 7676 nu CrB 20 CrB 7712 eta DraB 7713 eta DraA 14 Dra 7756 7778 bet Her 27 Her 7784 lam Oph 10 Oph 7785 7810 7812 29 Her 7837 sig Her 35 Her 7859 7896 42 Her 7915 zet HerA 40 Her 7916 7934 eta Her 44 Her 7945 7950 7951 7968 7990 7999 8001 8005 8034 iot Oph 25 Oph 8078 19 Dra h Dra 8081 8142 8143 8148 8152 8159 8183 8185 8241 8330 8419 del Her 65 Her 8489 69 Her 8499 8553 72 Her w Her 8556 8605 rho Her 75 Her 8606 8622 8952 9088 9149 9163 nu Dra 1 Dra 9164 nu Dra 2 Dra 9189 alf Oph 55 Oph 9487 9593 9653 9673 9679 9834 f Her 9944 9997 10014 95 Her 10107 10129 10205 41 Dra 10205 40 Dra 10264 10287 73 Oph 10316 10399 10439 10478 10657 kap Lyr 1 Lyr 10690 107 Her 10742 109 Her 10749 khi Dra 10798 10892 10958 11085 11090 11128 11147 11152 11179 11194 11207 11292 11298 11301 5 LyrD 11301 eps2 LyrC 5 LyrC 11301 eps2 LyrD 11308 zet1 Lyr 6 Lyr 11311 11323 110 Her 11358 11441 11455 11481 11536 11557 11618 11 Aql 11669 11677 11680 11685 11719 11724 zet Aql 17 Aql 11742 11765 11768 11782 11788 11817 11819 53 Dra 11824 59 Dra 11829 11886 kap Cyg 1 Cyg 11898 tau Dra 11900 11944 11993 11994 31 Aql 12001 12004 del Aql 30 Aql 12025 alf Vul 6 Vul 12028 12046 12069 12082 12100 12131 12155 mu Aql 38 Aql 12176 sig Dra 12203 12215 12245 12251 12274 12277 12287 12300 12314 12338 12361 12380 12381 del Cyg 18 Cyg 12386 12398 12404 12458 12464 12465 eps Dra 63 Dra 12481 20 Cyg d Cyg 12490 12523 12529 12547 12557 bet Aql 60 Aql 12575 12586 eta Cyg 21 Cyg 12638 gam Sge 12 Sge 12641 12702 12703 12728 12756 12757 15 Sge 12786 12820 12831 12864 12868 12917 12934 12935 33 Cyg 12939 12958 12995 13001 13008 13022 13036 13050 13053 13076 4g Del 13082 13083 13106 13116 13117 13118 13125 13147 eta Del 13158 13163 zet Del 4 Del 13175 13207 alf Del 9 Del 13215 13234 13235 13261 13277 13280 13292 13296 13321 13332 13354 13362 13369 13373 31 Vul 13442 13445 13446 13450 13454 13523 13546 13564 13571 13578 13581 13614 13634 13660 alf Cep 5 Cep 13666 13673 13695 13699 13703 13718 13735 13755 13761 13779 13787 rho Cyg 73 Cyg 13800 13803 13834 75 Cyg 13846 13855 13880 13898 13908 13933 13951 13959 13964 13982 13992 14020 nu Peg 22 Peg 14023 14034 iot Peg 24 Peg 14039 14042 14057 tet Peg 25g Peg 26 Peg 14076 14087 14118 14132 gam Aqr 48 Aqr 14142 14168 14187 14213 14247 14258 14281 14305 14310 14311 14313 14321 14325 14345 14362 14374 51 Peg 14379 14396 14413 14417 alf Peg 54 Peg 14450 14451 14452 14468 14488 14495 omi Cep 34 Cep 14504 14568 9 Psc 14589 14590 14599 14 And 14617 72 Peg 14627 14639 14640 14650 14654 14656 gam Cep 35 Cep 14657 iot Psc 17 Psc 14669 14672 14684 14699 14707 tau Cas 5 Cas 14719 14738 14740 14754 14777 psi Peg 84 Peg 14784 14793 ome Psc 28 Psc 14802 14809 85 PegA 15014 15025 15031 15056 15058 15062 15066 15093 10 Cet 15106 15113 51 Psc 15114 15130 15132 15135 15142 15144 15146 15186 15196 15208 15219 15221 15225 15235 15243 15244 15255 15259 15287 15290 15305 15316 15322 15355 15362 15368 15376 15398 15404 15408 15409 15417 15422 15423 15427 15431 15440 15442 15445 15447 15450 15454 15462 15470 15475 15486 15493 15494 15509 15512 15539 15548 15567 36 Ari 15568 15574 15579 15590 15594 15612 rho Ari 15614 47 Ari 15629 15637 54 Ari 15638 15644 15659 15662 15681 15684 15688 15695 15703 15705 15722 15732 15737 15742 15744 15745 15747 15748 15749 15750 15751 15752 15754 15755 15757 15758 15760 15761 15762 15764 15766 15767 15768 15769 15771 15772 15774 15775 eta Tau ALCYONE 15777 15778 15779 15782 15783 15785 15787 15789 15790 15792 15794 15795 15796 15797 15798 15799 15801 15802 15806 15810 15812 15817 15822 15826 15827 15831 15832 15834 15835 15836 15840 15843 15844 15847 15849 15850 15859 15874 15875 15905 15926 15928 15933 15938 ome2 Tau 15940 15960 15961 15963 15964 63 Tau 15965 15968 15970 15985 70 Tau 15986 15988 15997 16002 16005 16010 16013 76 Tau 16016 tet Tau 1 Tau 16022 16025 16033 16040 81 Tau 16041 16049 16059 16060 16081 16085 16106 16109 16115 16124 89 Tau 16139 16153 16157 16164 16167 16174 16181 16186 16207 16208 16218 16273 16297 16301 16312 117 Tau 16319 16322 16591 16606 16618 16621 16645 16655 16668 16684 16765 1 Gem 16757 16758 16759 16771 16774 16800 16875 17162 17225 37 Gem 17256 39 Gem 17268 17315 17328 17364 17371 47 Gem 17432 17478 17482 17490 17505 17522 17536 17538 17555 17575 17583 17625 17629 17633 17641 17713 17743 17750 17752 psi Cnc 17781 17819 17822 17848 17858 17865 17868 17871 17880 17887 17888 17889 17909 ups1 Cnc 17911 tet Cnc 17915 17920 17924 17931 17935 17937 17938 17943 17949 17951 17955 17956 17961 18026 18032 18034 18058 18059 18069 18071 18074 18089 18100 18101 18108 18109 18111 18140 18142 18144 18147 18150 18152 18153 18154 18157 18162 18175 18184 18192 18208 18216 18221 18228 18229 18236 18239 18253 18263 18274 18275 18276 18282 18304 18307 18312 18316 18322 18342 18359 18370 18372 18385 18398 18415 18420 18460 18477 18478 18483 18519 18524 18541 18545 18551 18573 18574 18588 18589 18592 18593 18598 18676 18708 18709 18714 18718 18747 18755 18759 18764 18775 18776 18777 18780 18781 18783 18791 18813 18818 18837 18839 18894 18946 18958 19016 19046 19053 19062 19074 19096 19121 19169 19187 19192 19282 19305 19324 19335 19344 19351 19358 19366 19392 19403 19408 19412 19415 19432 19433 19460 19467 19469 19470 19498 19507 19548 19552 19554 19557 19560 19566 19580 19597 19604 19637 19641 19648 19690 19714 19736 19741 19767 19768 19833 19845 19865 19903 19905 19914 19915 19918 19919 19932 19978 19993 19994 20002 20012 20023 20025 20033 20061 20063 20069 20074 20090 20096 20109 20115 20116 20133 20144 20147 20155 20175 20177 20179 20195 20196 20215 20230 20241 20246 20249 20251 20265 20268 20272 20273 20274 20308 20309 20342 20352 20384 20391 20396 20406 20413 20415 20422 20429 20448 20453 20457 20460 20461 20477 20510 20515 20551 20562 20566 20571 20590 20605 20606 20608 20627 20642 20646 20652 20671 20678 20692 20695 20724 20759 20785 20799 20873 20876 20956 20964 21076 21384 21440 21843 22356 22457 22644 22674 23058 23111 23248 23613 23672 23917 23940 23994 24015 24022 24039 24040 24049 24065 24274 24394 24405 24419 24420 24427 24445 24480 24497 24531 24538 24546 24573 24591 24597 24611 24627 24633 24644 24645 24669 24715 24724 24739 24748 24753 24767 24779 24806 24808 24810 24818 24820 24873 24878 24883 24891 24909 24910 24912 24927 24987 24992 24997 25000 25002 25010 25014 25023 25044 25059 25087 25088 25127 25146 25149 25199 25226 25236 25244 25273 25291 25293 25294 25300 25327 25349 25361 25378 25383 25392 25426 25432 25456 25461 25467 25476 25489 25495 25530 25566 25578 25584 25606 25618 25635 25646 25684 25691 25702 25705 25754 25756 25758 25772 25778 25783 25791 25812 25825 25834 25838 25840 25848 25856 25881 25891 25899 25906 25909 25922 25937 25947 25957 25965 25979 25990 3 Psc 26014 26016 26019 26038 26040 26050 26058 26062 26064 26067 26082 26086 26093 26094 26104 26106 26109 26110 26115 26117 26119 26123 26137 26138 26147 26157 26166 26182 26186 26188 26193 71 - Lei, L (Leiden) zzz - Lei, L number 72 - Oo (Oosterhoff,P.Th.) zzzz - Oo number 73 - EG, GR (Eggen,O.J., Greenstein,J.L.) zzz - EG, GR number 74 - GCTP (General Cataloque of Trigonometric Parallaxes a Preliminary Version, van Altena,W.F.) zzzzzz - GCTP number*100 76 - MEGA (Main meridional Section of the Galaxy,Kharchenko,N.V.) xxx - chart number zzzz - current number of star xxxzzzz 77 - HBC (Herbig,G.H., Bell,K.R.) zzzz - HBC number 78 - F (Feige,J.) zzz - F number 79 - Grw, Oxf (Greenwich AC, Oxford AC) xx - declination zone zzzzz - current number of star xxzzzzz 80 - W (Wolf,M.) zzzz - W number 81 - vR (van Rhijn,P.J.) zzz - vR number 82 - HZ (Humason,M.L., Zwicky,F.) zzz - HZ number 83 - BPM (Bruce Proper Motion Survey, Luyten,W.J.) zzzzz - BPM number 84 - HD, HDE, HDEC zzzzzz - HD, HDE, HDEC number 85 - HR, BS (Reised Harward Photometry or Bright Star Cataloque, Hoffleit,D.) zzzz - HR, BS number 86 - Gl (Catalogue of Nearby Stars, Gliese,W.) zzzzz - Gl number*10 87 - vM (van Maanen,A.) zzz - vM number 88 - R (Ross,F.E.) zzzz - R number 90 - Str (Strand,K.Aa.) zzz - Str number 91 - vA (van Altena,W.F.) zzzz - vA number 92 - BDS (General Cataloque of Double Stars, Barnham,S.W.) zzzzz - BDS number 93 - O, Os (Osvalds,V.V.) zzz - O, Os number 94 - RH, H (Hanson,R.S.) zzz - RH, H number 96 - vBs (van Biesbroeck,G.) zzz - vBs number 97 - Vys (Vyssotsky,A.N., or McCormick list) zzzz - Vys number ____________________________________________________________________________________ Source references: up to 1979 yr 1. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. II. The north pole. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapo- lis, 12p., 1964. 2. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. III. Six northern regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota,Min- neapolis, 26p., 1964. 3. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. V. Three regions in the Hyades. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 14p., 1965. 4. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. VII. Six northern regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Min- neapolis, 40p., 1965. 5. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. VIII. Four regions in high galactic latitude. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 24p., 1965. 6. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. IX. Six regions in the Hyades. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 23p., 1966. 7. Luyten,W.J., Anderson,J.H.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight- -inch Schmidt telescope. XI. Five north polar regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 30p., 1966. 8. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XII. Seven far-northern regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minneso- ta, Minneapolis, 40p., 1967. 9. Luyten,W.J., Anderson,J.H.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight- -inch Schmidt telescope. XIII. Five north polar regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 27p., 1968. 10. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XIV. Five northern regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota,Min- neapolis, 33p., 1968. 11. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XV. Faint stars with large proper motion and new white dwarfs. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 4p., 1968. 12. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XVI. Five north polar regions. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ.Minnesota, Minneapolis, 34p., 1968. 13. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XVII. On proper motion in the Hyades region. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 12p., 1969. 14. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XVIII. Binaries with white-dwarf components. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 8p., 1969. 15. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XIX. Special catalogues in the north polar cap. Sonderdruck Obs. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 52p., 1969. 16. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXI. Double stars with common proper motion. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 29p., 1969. 17. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XXII. Special catalogues for the zones +70deg to +75deg. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 36p., 1970. 18. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XXIII. Proper motion for 1656 stars between declinations +68deg and +70deg. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 24p., 1970. 19. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XXIV. Faint stars with large proper motion. Separate print, Univ.Minneso- ta, Minneapolis, 7p., 1970. 20. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XXV. Double stars with common proper motion. Separate print Univ. Minne- sota, Minneapolis, 12p., 1970. 21. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXVI. A region centered at 21h +42deg. Separate print, Univ.Min- nesota, Minneapolis, 24p., 1970. 22. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. The zone +70deg to +75deg. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Contract N onr 5060(00), NR 046752, 144p., 1970. 23. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. The zones +66deg and +60deg, 6h to 20h. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 196p., 1971. 24. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXIX. Double stars with common proper motion. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 11p., 1972. 25. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXI. Proper motions for 2520 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 24p., 1972. 26. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXIII. Proper motions for 3478 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 32p., 1972. 27. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXIV. Proper motions for 4452 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 40p., 1973. 28. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXV. Three northern regions. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 35p., 1973. 29. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXVI. Proper motions for 6955 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 64p., 1974. 30. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXVII. Proper motions for 4483 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 44p., 1974. 31. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XXXVIII. Binaries with white dwarf components. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1-11, 1974. 32. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XL. Five regions in high galactic latitude. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 47p, 1975. 33. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. XLII. Proper motions for 848 faint stars. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 8p., 1975. 34. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XLIV. On some allegedly new members of the Hyades. Separate print Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1-3, 1976. 35. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XLV. On the luminosities of faint blue stars. Separate print Univ. Min- nesota, Minneapolis, 4-8, 1976. 36. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. XLIX. Proper motions for 2981 faint stars near the North Galactic Pole. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, 29-55, 1975. 37. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope. L. Double stars with common proper motion. Separate print, Univ. Minneso- ta, Minneapolis, 35p., 1977. 38. Luyten,W.J.: Proper Motion Survey with the forty-eight-inch Schmidt te- lescope. LII. Binaries with white dwarf components. White dwarf discovery? A travesty on the English language. Separate print, Univ. Minnesota, Min- neapolis, 12p., 1979. 39. Sanduleak,N.: Catalog of probable dwarf stars of type M3 and later in the direction of the North Galactic Pole. Astron. J., 81, 5, 350-363, 1976. 40. Serkowski,K., Gehrels, al: Wavelenfth dependence polarization. XIII. Interstellar Extinction an polarization correlation. Astron. J., 74, 1, 85-90, 1969. 41. Lutz,T.E.,Yoss,K.M.: Stellar radial velosities dirived from microphotome- ter measurements. Astron. J., 74, 1, 91-95, 1969. 42. Wood,D.B.: Twelve-color stellar photometry. Astron. J., 74, 2, 177-189, 1969. 43. Linnell,A.P.: UBV photometry of RR Lyncis. Astron. 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Eggen,O.J.: Structure and age of the local association (Pleiades group). Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 87, 515, 37-63, 1975. 78. Greenstein,J.L.: Some new white dwarfs with peculiar spectra.VI.Astro- phys. J., 162, 1, P.2, 455-459, 1970. 79. Wanner,J.F.: On the stellar luminosity function from the method of mean absolute magnitudes. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 155, 4, 463-481, 1978. 80. Crawford,D.L., Barnes,J.V.: The interstellar redding in front of globu- lar clusters. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 87, 515, 65-76, 1975. 81. Eggen,O.J.: Photometric standards on the UBV and RI systems. Publ. Ast- ron. Soc. Pac., 87, 515, 107-109, 1975. 82. Eggen,O.J.: Photometry of possible barium stars. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 87, 515, 111-113, 1975. 83. Greenstein,J.L.: A further list of degenerate stars. VIII. Astrophys. J., 196, 3, P.2, L117-L120, 1975. 84. Luyten, W.J.: LHS cataloque (second edition). Univ. of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minnesota, 100p, 1979. 85. 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Harris,H.C., Canterna,R.: The Washington system: photometric properties and standard stars. Astron. J., 84, 11, 1750-1755, 1979. 94. Horan,S.: A photometric survey of the Hyades for delta Scuti variables. Astron. J., 84, 11, 1770-1774, 1979. 95. Eggen,O.J., Greenstein,J.L.: Observations of proper-motion sars. II. Ast- rophys. J., 142, 3, 925-933, 1965. 96. Sandage,A.: Results of a pilot program to discover new subdwares in the solar neighborhood. Astrophys. J., 139, 2, 442-450, 1964. 97. Guetter,H.H.: Photometric studies of stars in Ori OBI (Belt). Astron. J., 84, 12, 1846-1857, 1979. 98. Eggen,O.J.: Luminosities, colors, motions, and distribution-900-of faint blue stars. Astrophys. J., Suppl. Ser., 16, 97-142, 1968. 99. Sandage,A.: New subdwarfs. II. Radial velocities, photometry and preli- minary space motions for 112 stars with large proper motion. Astrophys. J., 158, 3, 1115-1136, 1969. 100. Jones,B.F., Herbig,G.H.: Proper motion of T Tauri variables and other stars associated with the Taurus-Auriga dark clouds. Astron. J., 84, 12, 1872-1889, 1979. 101. Eggen,O.J.: The Hyades red dwarfs and the distance of the cluster.Astro- phys. J., 158, 3, P.1, 1109-1113, 1969. 102. Feltz,K.A.,Jr., McNamara,D.H.: Color excesses of classical cepheids I. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 88, 525, 699-708, 1976. 103. Savage,B.D., Caldwell,J.J.: Ultraviolet photometry from the Orbiting Ast- ronomical Observatori. XIII. The albedos of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Astrophys. J., 187, 1, P.1, 197-208, 1974. 104. Burke,Jr.E.W., Abt,H.A.: The ellipsoidal system BD+56deg2190. Publ. Ast- ron. Soc. Pac., 86, 513, 677-680. 1974. 105. Eggen,O.J.: The luminosity law for late-type main-sequence stars in the neighborhood. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 86, 513, 697-741, 1974. 106. Eggen,O.J.: Intermediate band photometry of late-type stars. II. Some stellar groups. Astrophys. J., 215, 3, 812-826, 1977. 107. 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Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky (Фотографічний огляд Північного неба - ФОН)

Catalogues of Astrometric Positions and Photometric Stellar Magnitudes of SS Bodies (Каталоги астрометричних положень та фотометричних зоряних величин тіл Сонячної системи)

Astrometric and Photometric Catalogues for research in stellar kinematics (Астрометричні та фотометричні каталоги для зоряно-кінематичних досліджень)

Catalogues of Positions and Orbital Elements of Geosynchronous Space Objects (Каталоги положень та орбітальних елементів геосинхронних небесних об'єктів)

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.