Kharchenko N., Kilpio E., Malkov O., Schilbach E. Mira kinematics in the post-Hipparcos era.

    The Compiled Catalogue of Mira variables is a result of a merge of
    the 4th edition of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS-4)
    (II/214A) and present-day high-precision catalogues of space
    (Hipparcos-Tycho family: Hipparcos (I/239), Tycho-1 (I/239), Tycho-2
    (I/259), ACT RC (I/246), TRC (I/250)) and ground-based (CMC11 (I/256),
    PPM-N (I/146), PPM-S (I/193), PPM-add (I/208), Kharchenko 1992) data.
    The catalogue contains 1103 Miras. Equatorial coordinates were taken
    from the source catalogues in accordance with the priority: Hipparcos,
    Tycho-2, Tycho-1, CMC11, PPM, Kharchenko 1992. The proper motions of
    1041 Miras are calculated as mean weighted values of source data
    reduced to the Hipparcos system. The radial velocities of 786 Miras
    were taken from nine catalogues and lists of Feast (1963MNRAS.125..367F,
    1966MNRAS.132..495F), Smak and Preston (1965ApJ...142..943S), Perry
    and Bidelman (1965PASP...77..214P), Feast et al. (1972MNRAS.158...23F),
    Dean (1976AJ.....81..364D), Barnes and Fekel (1977Obs....97....1B),
    Feast et al. (1980MNRAS.190..227F), Barbier-Brossat and Figon (2000)
    (III/213), and are given with respect of the absorption lines. For
    those radial velocities, which were determined from emission lines the
    correction has been made along with Ikaunieks (1971) relation:

    VR(abs) - VR(em) = 0.035 * Period.

    For 724 Miras both proper motions and radial velocities are available.
    The stars in the Compiled Catalogue are sorted in the same order as in
    the General Catalogue of Variable Stars.

See also:

II/214 : Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Kholopov+ 1998)

I/239 : The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997)

I/259 : The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000)

I/246 : The ACT Reference Catalog (Urban+ 1997)

I/250 : The Tycho Reference Catalogue (Hog+ 1998)

I/146 : Positions and Proper Motions - North (Roeser+, 1988)

I/193 : Positions and Proper Motions - South (Bastian+ 1993)

I/208 : The 90000 stars Supplement to the PPM Catalogue (Roeser+, 1994)

I/256 : Carlsberg Meridian Catalogs (CMC, 1999)

III/213 : General Catalog of mean radial velocities (Barbier-Brossat+, 2000)


Barbier-Brossat M., Figon P. 2000, "General catalog of averaged

   stellar radial velocities for galactic stars", 2000A&AS..142..217B

   (Cat. III/213)

Barnes T.G., Fekel F.C. 1977, The Observatory 97, 1 (1977Obs....97....1B)

Bastian U., Roeser S., 1993, "PPM Star Catalogue, 3, 4", Spectrum

   Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg (PPM-S) (Cat. I/193)

Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue La Palma Numbers 1 to 11,

   "Observations of positions of stars and planets: May 1984 to May

   1998", 1999, Copenhagen University Observatory, Royal Greenwich

   Observatory and Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada en San

   Fernando, CD-ROM distribution (CMC11) (Cat. I/256)

Dean C.A. 1976AJ.....81..364D

ESA, 1997, "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues", ESA SP-1200, 17

   (Hipparcos), (Tycho-1) (Cat. I/239)

Feast M.W., 1963MNRAS.125..367F

Feast M.W., 1966MNRAS.132..495F

Feast M.W., Woolley R., Yilmas N. 1972MNRAS.158...23F

Feast M.W., Robertson B.S.C., Black C. 1980MNRAS.190..227F

Hog E., Kuzmin A., Bastian U., et al., 1998, "The Tycho Reference

   Catalogue", A&A, 335, N 3, L65-L68 (TRC) (Cat. I/250)

Hog E., Fabricius C., Makarov V.V., Urban S.E., Corbin T.E., Wycoff

   G.L., Bastian U., Schwekendiek P., Wicenec A, 2000, "The Tycho-2

   Catalogue: Positions, proper motions and two-color photometry of

   the 2.5 million brightest stars", Copenhagen, CD-ROM

   distribution (Tycho-2) (Cat. I/259)

Ikaunieks J. J. 1971, Long period variable stars, Zinante, Riga

Kharchenko N.V. 1992, Kinematics and physics of celestial bodies 8, 61

Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya

   N.A., Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina

   N.P., Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I., Pastukhova E.N., Perova

   N.B., Rastorguev A.S., Shugarov S.Yu. 1985 - 1988, General

   Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th Edition, Nauka Publishing

   House, Moscow (GCVS-4) (Cat. II/214)

Perry C.L., Bidelman W.P. 1965PASP...77..214P

Roeser S., Bastian U., 1991, "PPM Star Catalogue, 1, 2", Spectrum

   Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York (PPM-N) i

   (Cat. I/146)

Smak J.I., Preston, G.W. 1965ApJ...142..943S

Roeser S., Bastian U., Kuzmin A., 1994, "The 90000 stars supplement

   to PPM", AApSS, 105, N 2, 301-303 (PPM-add) (Cat. I/208)

Urban S.E., Corbin T.E., Wycoff G.L., 1998, "The ACT Reference

   Catalog", AJ, 115, N 5, 2161-2166 (ACT RC) (Cat. I/246)

 Byte-by-byte description

Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky (Фотографічний огляд Північного неба - ФОН)

Catalogues of Astrometric Positions and Photometric Stellar Magnitudes of SS Bodies (Каталоги астрометричних положень та фотометричних зоряних величин тіл Сонячної системи)

Astrometric and Photometric Catalogues for research in stellar kinematics (Астрометричні та фотометричні каталоги для зоряно-кінематичних досліджень)

Catalogues of Positions and Orbital Elements of Geosynchronous Space Objects (Каталоги положень та орбітальних елементів геосинхронних небесних об'єктів)

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.