S.P. Rybka & A.I. Yatsenko Catalogue of 2.2 million candidate Red Clump giants selected from the 2MASS down to Ks=11 magnitude at galacic latidudes 5<|b|<30 degrees.

Description: We present the catalogue RCG2M_1 of about 2.2 million stars brighter than Ks=11 mag at galactic latitudes 5<|b|<30 deg, which were selected as the most probable Red Clump giants on the 2MASS color-magnitude diagrams.The catalogue includes 2MASS numbers, equatorial coordinates, 2MASS J,H,Ks magnitudes and their errors, and Red Clump probability. Red Clump probability was calculated by means of maximum-likelihood method based on common J-Ks color distribution of Red Clump and Giant Branch stars. About 84% of the selected stars are proved to be Red Clump members from the MK spectral classification. References: Rybka S.P., Yatsenko A.I. Tte identification of Red Clump Giants from 2MASS photometry Kinematica Fiz. Nebes. Tel, 2009, in press. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rcg2m_1readme 80 . This file RCG2M_1 98 2192266 Catalogue of candidate Red Clump giants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte description of file: RCG2M_1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-13 f12.8 deg RA Right ascension (degrees), equinox J2000, epoch 2000 15-26 F12.8 deg DE Declination (degrees),equinox J2000, epoch 2000 28-33 F7.3 mag Jmag 2MASS J magnitude 34-38 F5.3 mag e_Jmag Error of Jmag 40-45 F7.3 mag Hmag 2MASS H magnitude 46-50 F5.3 mag e_Hmag Error of Hmag 52-57 F7.3 mag Ksmag 2MASS Ks magnitude 58-62 F5.3 mag e_Ksmag Error of Ksmag 64-73 I10 --- 2MASS_I 2MASS unique source identifier 75-83 F9.5 deg EL Galactic longitude (degrees) 85-93 F9.5 deg B Galactic latitude (degrees) 95-98 F4.2 --- Prob Red Clump probability -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data 209 MB Data byte to byte description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky (Фотографічний огляд Північного неба - ФОН)

Catalogues of Astrometric Positions and Photometric Stellar Magnitudes of SS Bodies (Каталоги астрометричних положень та фотометричних зоряних величин тіл Сонячної системи)

Astrometric and Photometric Catalogues for research in stellar kinematics (Астрометричні та фотометричні каталоги для зоряно-кінематичних досліджень)

Catalogues of Positions and Orbital Elements of Geosynchronous Space Objects (Каталоги положень та орбітальних елементів геосинхронних небесних об'єктів)

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.