Yizhakevych O., Andruk V., Pakuliak L. The Catalogue of Topocentric positions of Saturn’s moons, obtained from photographic observations at MAO NASU in 1961-1990.

Ижакевич Е.М., Андрук В.Н., Пакуляк Л.К. Каталог топоцентрических положений спутников Сатурна по фотографическим наблюдениям в ГАО НАН Украины в 1961-1990 годах.

Presented catalogues are the final step in the re-processing of the series of photographic observations of Saturn satellites conducted at MAO NAS of Ukraine (MAO NASU) in 1961-1990. The list of observers is given as follows: Filippov Iu.K., Herz E.O., Kulyk I.V.(Ledovskaia I.V.), Lysiakova R.F., Major S.P., Moroz G.V., Onegina A.B., Sereda E.M., Shatokhina S.V., Yizhakevych O.M. (Izhakevich E.M.). Earlier, the processing of these observations was made selectively using reference frames of various catalogues [1-3]. The major results of the processing are in the NSDC (Natural Satellite Data Center, ІMCCE(France)), ( At the moment, to prepare the new reduction of plates we have analyzed the whole observational material from the MAO NASU glass archive DBGPA MAO NASU ( and have selected ~250 plates with the images of Saturn's moons. As a rule, each plate was exposed several times with various expositions. Observations were made by 4 telescopes. Two of them - DLFA (Double Short Focus Astrograph, D/f=0.4/5.5m) and DWA (Double Wide Angle Astrograph, D/f=0.4/2.0m) were located in the MAO NASU (Marsden's No.083). The other two - DAZ (Wide Angle Astrograph, D/f=0.4/3.0m, Marsden's No.186) and Z600 (Zeiss-600, D=0.6,Cassegrain, F=7.5m, Marsden's No.188) - were in Uzbekistan.

At present, a complex of programs in the LINUX-MIDAS-ROMAFOT operating environment for the processing of digitized photographic plates has been developed and debugged in the Department of Astrometry in MAO NASU. [4-5]. The digitizing of plates was carried out by Epson Expression 10000XL ЕЕ commercial scanner in 16-bit grey scale with 1200 dpi resolution [6-7].

The resulted catalogue contains 1385 astronomical topographic positions of eight Saturn's moons (S2-S9) in the system of TYCHO2 reference catalogue (Table 1). The internal accuracy of positional determinations is ±0.09 - ±0.23 arcsec, and the photometric accuracy is ±0.27 - ± 0.37 mag.[8,9]. The comparison of calculated positions of satellites with their theoretical values was carried out on-line using ephemerides of IMCCE (DE405 +TASS1.7) ( The results with the deviation from ephemeris data by more than ±2.0 arcsec were abandoned.

The results of the reduction are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Quantitative information of observations of 
         Saturn's satellites by telescopes

Telesc. |         | ALL  S2   S3   S4   S5   S6   S7   S8   S9
(period)| Option  |---------------------------------------------
        |         |              QUANTITY: 
  DLFA   position  1017  12   84  155  218  293    2  253    -
 (1961-  nights      57   6   16   30   43   54    1   52    -
 -1984)  plates     138   6   33   32   58  119    1  116    -
         snapshot   344
  DWA    position   101   -    -    2    4   55    -   40    -
 (1976-  nights      13   -    -    2    2   13    -   10    -
 -1986)  plates      30   -    -    2    3   23    -   20    -
         snapshot    69
  DAZ    position    95   -    -    6   22   32    -   35    -
 (1986)  nights       7   -    -    2    5    7    -    7    -
         plates       8   -    -    2    6    8    -    8    -
         snapshot    32
  Z600   position   172   -   12   22   25   53   11   48    1
 (1990)  nights       9   -    4    6    8    9    7    9    1
         plates      33   -    7   12   15   24   10   29    1
         snapshot    66
         position  1385  12   96  185  269  433   13  376    1
  ALL    nights      86   6   20   40   58   83    8   69    1
 teles-  plates     209   6   40   48   82 `174   11  173    1
  copes  snapshot   511  12   96  185  269  435   13  376    1

 File Summary:
 FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
 Read_Me       108       .      This file
 DAT_CATL.dat  83      1389     Catalogue of Topocentric positions of Saturn’s
                                Moons by names and telescopes.
 ADD_CATL.dat  86      1418     Additions Data to The Catalogue of
                                Topocentric positions of Saturn’s Moons

 Byte-by-Byte Description of File: DAT_CATL.dat
Bytes  Format Units   Label     Explanations
 1- 5  I5     year    year      Date of observation (year).
 6- 8  I3     month   mo        Date of observation (month).
 9-18  f10.6  day     day       Date of observation (day and decimal).
19-20  I2     Satell  No        Satellite's Number.           (*1).
21-33                 Alpha     Right ascension (ICRF/J2000.0):
21-23  I3     hours   hh         -right ascension (hours)
24-26  I3     minute  mn         -right ascension (minutes)
27-33  f7.3   second  ss         -right ascension (seconds,decimal).
34-47                 Declin    Declination (ICRF/J2000.0):
34-37  I4     degree  deg        -declination (degrees)
38-40  I3     arcmin  mi         -declination (arcminutes)
41-47  f7.3   arcsec  sec        -declination (arcseconds).
48-54  f7.2   arcsec  O-Cal     Residual (O-C)alpha (arcsecond).
55-60  f6.2   arcsec  O-Cdl     Residual (O-C)delta (arcsecond).
61-66  f6.1   mag     Bph       Photographic magnitude.
67-72  I6     number  Pl        Plate number according to log-book.
73-73  a1             p         Tube position relative to column:
                                 -"e"-east, -"w"-west.        (*2).
74-75  a2             Tu        Designation of tube: I or II. (*2).
76-80  I5     sec     Exp       Exposure duration (seconds).
81-83  a3             Telec.    Telescope: DL=DLFA, DW=DWA,

Byte-by-byte Description of file: ADD_CATL.dat
 Bytes Format Units   Label     Explanations
 1-  2  a2            No        Saturn's satellite number,   (*1).
 3-  7  I5            Npl       Plate number according to log-book.
 8-  8  a1            p         Tube position relative to column:
 9- 10  a2            Tu        Designation of tube: I or II.
11- 13  a3            Tel       Telescope: DL=DLFA, DW=DWA,
14- 18  I5    sec     exp       The exposure duration (seconds).
19- 23  I5            Nz        Number of reference stars (TYCHO2).
24- 29  f6.2  mag     rmsB      R.M.S.(Photographic magnitude).
30- 36  f7.3  arcsec  rmsAl     R.M.S.(Right ascension,J2000.0).
37- 43  f7.3  arcsec  rmsAl     R.M.S.(Declination,J2000.0).
44- 56  a13           emuls     Type of Emulsion.
57- 86  a30           obs       Observer's name.

 Note(*1): Satellite's Number:
        2 - (S2)Enceladus, 3 - (S3)Tethys, 4 - (S4)Diona, 5 - (S5)Rhea,
        6 - (S6)Titan, 7 - (S7)Hiperion, 8 - (S8)Japetus, 9 - (S9)Phoebe.

 Note(*2): The DLFA observations basically were made on the first tube "І"
        with the tube position to the west from the column - "W", the DWA ones - with
        the tube position to the east from the column - "Е". The absence of 
        the informations means the standard conditions.

Data (118.0 Kb).File: DAT_CATL.dat.
Data (97.6 Kb). File: ADD_CATL.dat.
Byte-by-Byte Description of File: Byt_CATL.dat.
Byte-by-Byte Description of File: Byte_ADD.dat.
Gallery of plates' images: satmoons_1961_1990.


1. Yizhakevych O.M.: Positional Observations of Saturn’s satellites at the MAO AS of USSR in 1980.. //Scientific paper deposited in All-russian institute of scientific and technical information,-No.4553-B91, Kyiv, 1991..1991PDRII4553_____I.

2. Yizhakevich O., Kulyk I., Major S., Shatokhina S. Catalogue of astrometric positions of the satellites of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune at 1990 opposition,2003.(

3. Kulyk I., Yizhakevych Ye., Pakuliak L. The Natural satellite database of the Main Astronomical Observatory of The National Academy of Siences of Ukraine. An overview. //IMCCE. International Workshop NAROO-GAIA "A new reduction of old observationsn the Gaia era". Paris Observatory, Jun 2012. pp.153-158. .

4. Pakuliak L., Andruk V., Shatokhina S., Golovnya V., Yizhakevych O.,Kulyk I. First results of MAO NASU SS bodies photographic archiv digitizing. //IMCCE.International Workshop NAROO-GAIA "A new reduction of old observations the Gaia era". Paris Observatory, June 2012. p.161-165..

5. Andruk V.M.,Pakuliak L.K., Golovnya V.V.,Ivanov G.O., Yizhakevych O.M., Protsyuk Yu.I., Shatokhina S.V. Catalogue of star positions and B-magnitudes in 60th declinationzone bassed on UkrVO Joint Digital Archive.// 2015,>astro-ph>arXiv.1512.05535.

6. Andruk V.M.,Ivanov G.A.,Pogorel'tsev V.T.,Yatsenko A.I. On application of a scanner for determination of coordinates and photometristics of stars from The FON Program plates.// Kinemat. and Phys. Celest. Bodies, 2005,Vol.21, N5, p.396-400.

7. Protsyuk Yu.I., Kovylianska O.E., Protsyuk S.V., Andruk V.M. Results of processing of astronegatives with commercial scanner // Odessa Astron. Publ., 2014, Vol.27, p.63-64. <2014OAP....27...63P>.

8. Yizhakevych O.M.,Andruk V.M.,Pakuliak L.K. Photographic observations of Major planets and Their moons during 1961- 1990 at the MAO NAS of Ukraine.//Odessa Astron. Publ., 2016, Vol.29, p.155-159. (<2016OAP....29..155Y>

9. Yizhakevych O.M.,Andruk V.M.,Pakuliak L.K.Photographic observations of the Saturn’s moons in MAO NAS of Ukraine in 1961-1990.// Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 2017.Vol.33, N3, p.70-80.

Photographic Survey of the Northern Sky (Фотографічний огляд Північного неба - ФОН)

Catalogues of Astrometric Positions and Photometric Stellar Magnitudes of SS Bodies (Каталоги астрометричних положень та фотометричних зоряних величин тіл Сонячної системи)

Astrometric and Photometric Catalogues for research in stellar kinematics (Астрометричні та фотометричні каталоги для зоряно-кінематичних досліджень)

Catalogues of Positions and Orbital Elements of Geosynchronous Space Objects (Каталоги положень та орбітальних елементів геосинхронних небесних об'єктів)

L.Pakuliak. Questions, remarks and propositions are welcome.